The Center Plane of The Outlands Geographic Location in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

The Center Plane of The Outlands

Overview: The Outlands are known to the primes as the "Plane of Concordant Opposition." (Fact is, they get most of the planar names wrong, which is a sure way to mark a prime.) Just one of many Outer Planes, the Outlands are still a very unique place. For starters, it's got entrances to every other Outer Plane, making it a central clearing-house for all sorts of planar beings. And then, of course, there's the spire. A body'd have to be blind to miss that — it rises up out of the middle of the Outlands, infinitely tall, with the city of Sigil hovering on top. The spire's a good example of how primes worry too much. They always want to know how something that's infinitely tall can have something else on top of it. But that kind of thinking just drives a berk barmy. In the planes, things are the way they are, and it's best just to leave it at that.
-- A Planar Explaining The Outlands to a Primer
Alignment Pillars:
Law Vs. Chaos: Neutral
Good Vs. Evil: Neutral

Concordances of Knowledge About The Plane:
The Outlands -- An Overview
The Outlands
The Center Plane of The Outlands


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