The Gray Waste of Hades

Overview: “Evil takes many shapes and forms on the grand stage of the multiverse, some more insidious than others. The Gray Waste of Hades holds what I believe to be the most perfect expression of evil, which is the theft of hope, the destruction of belief, and an apathy to life itself. The evil of Hades is not as flashy as the Abyss or as rigorous as Baator, but it creeps into the soul of those that visit, much like the graying that occurs to any color on the plane. It is understated and underestimated, though the fiends of the Blood War seem to recognize its importance. There are more battles between demons and devils on Hades than anywhere else in the multiverse, an interesting facet considering the inherent bleakness of the Gray Waste.”
--- Malakara the Warden

Alignment Pillars:
Chaos vs. Law: Neutral
Good vs. Evil: Evil

Concordances of Knowledge on the Plane:
None known
Evil and Vile


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