The Plane of Air Geographic Location in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

The Plane of Air

“Of all the Inner Planes, the Plane of Air is easily the most pleasant. Endless azure skies punctuated by multicolored clouds above and below with absolutely no end in sight – it truly is a sight to behold. Islands of earth and ice float through the air and provide enough stable ground for travelers to put their feet down every once and a while, but the real joy comes in soaring across the boundless blue. And if you can avoid the nosy djinn or the life-threatening storms of colossal size, all the better.”
--- Astromarchus the Sage

Star Cloud Islands

Near the Mistral Reach, travelers have noticed groups of strange black clouds that seem studded with mulitcolored lights, as if reflecting a night sky that never appears on the Plane of Air. For those willing to brave the cold and the winds of the region, these Star Cloud Islands hold a great number of unique properties not found elsewhere in the plane. They are solid, functioning as cloudstone for all intents and purposes, but when exposed to direct light the cloudstone softens and can be broken apart. It instantly reverts to its solid state when the light is removed, and some djinni near the islands have commissioned statues and ornaments to be constructed of the unusual material.

Nevari Sorraxon, the female tiefling Violet Master Mage of the Prismatic Order, is currently obsessed with cataloguing and understanding the properties of the Star Cloud Islands. She keeps several teams of apprentices and surveyors around them at all times, and Nevari has moved her personal fortress closer to the region to facilitate faster access. Of the Prismatic Order master mages, Nevari has been considered one of the most ambitious, with her tiefling sights set on the position of Prismatic Master, but the obsession with the Star Cloud Islands has consumed her in the past year. What does she hope to find there? And why do some apprentices go mad experimenting with cloudstuff from the islands
A Cloud Raker ship in the Plane of Air


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