The Plane of Fairie - Feywild
Overview: Stepping into the portal was like settling into a warm bath, though the chill didn’t fade from the air. At first everything muted — the roar of the river around the rocks below, the chirping of frogs and crickets on shore, the evening bustle of the town behind him. ...A moment later, the world erupted into vibrant life. Frogs and night birds sang a chorus; the air was awash with autumn scents; the moonlight painted the flowers in iridescent blue, silver, and violet; and the rushing of the river became a complex symphony.
The Plane of Fairie can be simutaneously both whimsical and deadly, honest and hiding, here and gone.
— James Wyatt, Oath of Vigilance
The Plane of Fairie can be simutaneously both whimsical and deadly, honest and hiding, here and gone.