The Plane of Shadow - Shadowfell Geographic Location in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

The Plane of Shadow - Shadowfell

Overview: Riven stood in the uppermost room of the central tower of his citadel — a fortress of shadows and dark stone carved in relief into the sheer face of a jagged peak. . . . The starless black vault of the plane’s sky hung over a landscape of gray and black, where lived the dark simulacra of actual things. Shadows and wraiths and specters and ghosts and other undead hung in the air around the citadel, or prowled the foothills and plains near it, so numerous their glowing eyes looked like swarms of fireflies. He felt the darkness in everything he could see, felt it as an extension of himself, and the feeling made him too big by half.
— Paul S. Kemp, The Godborn

This is the realm of the Raven Queen -- a title currently held by a once small little ghost girl named Rosvaldo Durst. It is she that decides your eternal fate upon your death if you have lived a conflicted marginal case. With the words of "Machin Shin" she condemns you to the lower plane that is most suited to your worst disposition. But with an approval of "Viva Shin" your soul ascends to the upper plane that most suits your best disposition. Without her phrases to judge these questionable cases, these souls simply pile up in a hungry existence forever called "The Shin".

"The hand that severs. The eyes that boil. The bile that fumes. The blood. The blood. The blood."
--- The insistent murmurings of The Shin

The Raven Queen and her court


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