The Seven Heavens of Mount Celestia Geographic Location in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

The Seven Heavens of Mount Celestia

Overview: “On the slopes of Mount Celestia, the crisp fresh air uplifts body, mind, and soul from whatever dark recess It may have found itself, and a real feeling of positive energy suffuses the landscape. The Seven Heavens themselves are powerful physical embodiments of those qualities that many of us strive for, such as righteousness and a sense of wisdom, and the natives celestials that live and dwell on the slopes and valleys do their best to honor those qualities with everything they do. It’s strictly ordered but there’s no subterfuge or hidden agenda on Mount Celestia, just the inner peace that comes with striving to be the best version of yourself. Assuming, of course, your best version fits in line with the idyllic principals of the Seven Heavens."

--- Issilda the Unbreakable

Alignment Pillars:
Chaos vs. Law: Equal Mix of Lawful And Neutral
Good vs. Evil: Equal Mix of Good and Neutral

Concordances of Knowledge on the Plane:
None known
The Beauty of Mount Celestia


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