The Twin Paradises of Bytopia Geographic Location in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

The Twin Paradises of Bytopia

Overview: “Industry is the guiding principle of Bytopia, where there’s always a job that needs doing and work that needs to be completed. An inherent natural property of the plane breaks down goods and even buildings, which means everything constantly needs to be repaired, updated, or improved upon. The folk of Bytopia, gnomes mainly, seem to not mind this, and most natives keep a cheery attitude towards the never-ending industry. After all, the results of that industry are clear and definite, even if they’re not destined to last. The reward for hard work is the satisfaction of a job well done.”

--- Malakara the Warden

Alignment Pillars:
Chaos vs. Law: More Neutral than Lawful
Good vs. Evil: More Good than Neutral

Concordances of Knowledge on the Plane:
None known
Continuous Columns Connect the Facing Layers


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