The Wilderness of the Beastlands Geographic Location in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

The Wilderness of the Beastlands

Overview:  “The Beastlands is a savage plane where ferocity and cunning stalk through endless forests. Here, everything feeds on something else, aggressively, and the rule of might makes right is the only rule to rely upon. It is often compared to Arborea, and the two planes share similar traits regarding the power of nature. Where Arborea showcases nature in an abundance of life and glory, the Beastlands depict nature stripped of all pretenses of civilization and order, where the savage hunter kills mercilessly to survive. Good and evil have little place is the savage wilderness where the cycle of life, death, and rebirth is honored by all living creatures, consciously or not.”

Malakara the Warden

Alignment Pillars:
Chaos vs. Law: More Neutral than Chaotic
Good vs. Evil: More Good than Neutral

Concordances of Knowledge on the Plane:
Codex of the Infinite Plains: The Wilderness of the Beastlands (Starting Information)
Players Guide to Conflict: The Beastlands
The Wilderness of the Beastlands


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