Twelve Factols Hall

A location in The Lady's Ward 

  Persistent rumors claim that the door into the realm of the dabus exists somewhere within the catacombs, what the dwarves from the Outlands call the Doorway into the Mountain. The rumor is a popular topic of conversation at the Twelve Factols, a restaurant and tavern underneath the city streets, near Dossy Street. The entrance leads down 88 steps from a dirty, swineinfested courtyard into an arched and vaulted chamber called Storm Hall, after the loud and blustery singing, yelling, and boasting of the einheriar, bariaur, and other Ysgardians who often drink and wrestle there. A few stairs lead up from there to the kitchen, but most patrons go deeper into the catacombs, past the Foundation Stone that marks where the Twelve Factols met to beg the Lady for her support against the Expansionists almost a thousand years ago. (The messenger they chose by lot must've done the job, 'cause Timlin's Maze came soon thereafter.) The very deepest and largest of the Twelve Factols' chambers is the echoing field of benches called the Deep Hall.

Beyond that lies the Twelve Factols' Hall, where the factols of the time are preserved in twelve small stone statues, each no more than 2 feet high. Many storerooms lead out from the Deep Hall and the Twelve Factols' Hall, and other passages are said to lie beyond the warded doorways of the storerooms.
Rumor says there are catacombs beneath the Hall


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