Weapon, armor, and shield conditions in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Weapon, armor, and shield conditions

I want to try out weapon conditions for this campaign. Here is how they will work.   There are six categories of weapon and armor condition. There are four categories for shield condition. These conditions apply to both mundane and magical equipment. The conditions, the effects of those conditions, and the time and cost to upgrade to the next condition appear in the charts below. All upgrades require a master amorer (smith or leather worker as appropriate) using a master-crafter work area and tools. Note that mending or similar spells will not change the condition of your weapon, armor, or shield.

For Weapons:

Weapon condition Modifier
Cost to Upgrade by one level
Typical Time to Upgrade
Damage rolled at advantage and double your weapon attack modifier (STR/DEX/etc.) on a crit.
Not upgradable
Not upgradable
Damage rolled at advantage
Mundane: 4 times the base price of the weapon. Magical: get quote, expect insanity.
Mundane: twice the number of hours of 1/10th the weapon base price in jinx. Magical: twice the number of days of 1/10th the mundane weapon base price in jinx.
None, rules as written
Mundane: 2 times the base price of the weapon. Magical: 2000 jinx
Mundane number of hours of 1/10th the weapon base price in jinx. Magical: the number of days of 1/10th the mundane weapon base price in jinx.
Weapon damage rolled at disadvantage
Mundane: half of the base price of the weapon. Magical: 500 jinx
Mundane: number of hours of 1/10th the weapon base price in jinx. Magical: number of days of 1/10th the weapon base price in jinx.
Weapon damage rolled at disadvantage and subtract 2 (min. damage = 1).
Mundane: the base price of the weapon. Magical: 250 jinx
Mundane: twice the number of hours of 1/10th the weapon base price in jinx. Magical: twice the number of days of 1/10th the weapon base price in jinx.
no use or repair
Not upgradable
Not upgradable

For Armor:

Armor condition Modifier
Cost to Upgrade by one level
Typical Time to Upgrade
+2 to AC
Not upgradable
Not upgradable
+1 to AC
Mundane: not typically upgradable. Magical: ludacris jinx (get quote)
Mundane:not typically upgradable. Magical: not typically upgradable
None, rules as written
Mundane: the lesser of either 5 times the base price of the armor in jinx or 2000 jinx. Magical: get quote, expect insanity
Mundane: number of hours of 1/10th the armor base price in jinx. Magical: the lesser of either the number of days of 1/10th the mundane armor base price in jinx or 28 days.
-1 to AC
Mundane: 1/2 of the base price of the armor. Magical: the lesser of either twice the base price of the mundane armor in jinx or 500 jinx
Mundane: number of hours of 1/10th the armor base price in jinx. Magical: the lesser of either the number of days of 1/20th the mundane armor base price in jinx or 14 days
-2 to AC.
Mundane: 1/4th of the base price of the armor. Magical: the lesser of either the base price of the mundane armor in jinx or 250 jinx
Mundane: number of hours of 1/10th the armor base price in jinx. Magical: the lesser of either the number of days of 1/20th the mundane armor base price in jinx or 7 days.
no use or repair
Not upgradable
Not upgradable

For Shields:

Shield condition Modifier
Cost to Upgrade by one level
Typical Time to Upgrade
+1 AC
Not upgradable
Not upgradable
Standard None, rules as written Mundane: 100 jinx. Magical: get quote Mundane: 7 days. Magical: 21 days
-1 AC
Mundane: 8 jinx. Magical: 250 jinx.
Mundane: 3 days. Magical: 7 days
Broken no use or repair Not upgradable Not upgradable

The condition of armor, shield or weapon can fall in a variety of ways at DM discretion, but the most common way is for you to "sacrifice" the condition by absorbing a critical hit.  When the DM tells you that you were critically hit, and before he tells you the damage, you can negate the critical nature of the hit (it still hits, but not critically) by interceding your weapon, armor, or shield against the brutal hit.  This choice will cause your amor, shield or weapon to decrease in condition by one tier on its chart.


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