Crime pays, and often gets to skip taxes
Due to the sins of your past or your current unlawful behaviour, you are a wanted individual somewhere in the Pact Worlds. You might not even be guilty and are striving to clear your good name. Or you might fully admit to being a criminal but believe the laws you break are unjust. Whatever the case, boarding a starship headed to The Vast might be just the thing you need until the heat dies down - or until you’re dragged off to prison.
Outlaws start with one of the following languages: Thieves' Cant or SylvanUnique Ability
Outlaws start with the following Tier 0 Talent: Narrow EscapeThe Outlaw counts the following skills as career skills: Skulduggery and streetwise . Before spending experience during character creation, a Outlaw may choose four of their career skills and gain one rank in each of them.
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