Ragnar the Redhanded Character in The Inner Sea - Pathfinder 1e | World Anvil

Ragnar the Redhanded

Ragnar the Redhanded

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grew up in a town on the coast. Both parents are still alive. He has 2 human siblings and a half-orc sibling. We were lower class. My parents soldiers. Then a distant relative died, leaving a fortune to me, his namesake. I took a portion of the money for myself and left the rest for my family, and set out for adventure. It's been three years of training to get to this point. My blacksmith friend who had to reforge my sword several times inspired a love of finely-wrought things in me, and now I revel in it. Then I did something I'm not proud of, but not ashamed of either. While drinking in a tavern on my way...somewhere I can't quite remember...a fellow adventurer was bemoaning a "moral quandary" about returning some precious something or other to some folks or selling it to a merchant that was passing through. I told him to sell the thing, that too often the oh-so-poor individuals often give the whatsit to the so-and-so that retrieved it. He was overjoyed and paid my (astronomical) tab at the tavern. Folks with a moral high-ground fixation often tell me how wrong it was. Boo, hoo, hoo. It was in the past, leave it there. As far as Romance I have rolled in the hay, but have nothing to write home about.


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