The Shattered Coast

The Shattered Coast was once fuly intact. An area of rich aquatic life and an abundance of seafaring to be had, it formed the westernmost known region of the Realms.   However, all of that changed when an island appeared in front of the coast some 500 years ago. The sudden appearance of the landmass created large upheaval as cities crumbled and fell into the roiling straight that now divided the old Realms from the new. Temples and villages sunk into the waters to be lost for the next decades and centruries, some to never be recovered at all.   To this day, the land has not settled yet. The destabilized cliffs and torn islands are prone to collapse without much warning, and often times, larger landmasses falling into the deep ocean trench cause floods that devastate the area even more.   Still, the people of the Shattered Coast proved resilient. Some of the old villages have been paritally rebuilt, with wooden walkways and anchors connecting the seperate islands and stabilizing the fragile ground as much as possible. Even more people emigrated towards the stable ground a couple miles inward, with the everchanging canals between the islands serving as both a way towards the water and as a natural deterrant for invading forces.   The southern part of the coast is governed by the Kingdom of [Ph'danodas], a realm reaching from the Shattered Coast all the way to the Inner Sea to the east of the continent, as well as towards the Red Bay in the south due to mountain passes allowing for easy traversal through the Mountain Kingdoms within the area.   Meanwhile, the northern part of the Coast, facing south, is ruled over by the Kingdom of [EmatirĂ³s], which claims most of the cold and harsh northern marshes.


The Shattered Coast is divided between the northern part, which faces south, and the southern parts, facing west. Between them lies the Shattered Bay, an area not directly impacted by the disaster that tore apart the coastline, but is still often impacted by the floods caused by coastline collapse.   Both areas are characterized by harsh cliffs and many small islands turning the canals of the coast into a maze.


The Northern Coast:

  The northern coast is part of the quite humid colder climate, providing quite fertile marshlands and unstable islands.  

The Southern Coast:

  The southern coast completely spans through the temperate zone, with winds sweaping across the cliffs unhindered by the mountinas beyond the straight. The area is thus humid all year round,

Fauna & Flora

The Northern Coast:

  The Flora of the nothern coast is mainly charactericed by many evergreen or coniferous forests and swamps.  

The Southern Coast:

  In the southern coast, you find many temperate forests dotting the landscape and lining the rich rivers flowing fromt he mountains in the east.

Natural Resources

The most valuable recources in both the nothern and southern coasts are the rich fishinggrounds and the fertile land used for agriculture. Some thousands of caves were exposed by the collapse of the coast, however, due to the ever shifting coast, they have mostly gone unexplored.
Additional Rulers/Owners