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Clarion Thundercall - Knight Heraldor, The Thunderclap

Knight Heraldor Clarion Thundercall (a.k.a. The Silent Bard)

A battle-horn blares in the morning sun. The stormcast hold the lines against the skaven masses. Chokepoints are held by these giant men and women, and the skaven advance are quickly ground to a halt. Their lightning imbued weapons provide an impressive show of force, smashing through make shift battle formations of the rat kin, soon sending them into scattered routing droves. The sigmarite warriors shout in unison, warcries that raise their morale and announce their victory.   A battle-horn sounds in the afternoon, the call to battle and the summoning of courage. The stormcast charge against the ratling warriors. Shields push and bash through the more steadfast of the enemy battle lines, while hammers, blades and spears make short work of any who would dare strike back. The fighting becomes desperate and those that manage to escape the fury of Sigmar's chosen are forced back into their chaos fortress.   A battle-horn roars a long and deafening note in the evening as the battle lines push into the rat keep. A rattling structure teeming with writhing bodies of ferocious skaven. Driven into a corner, they fight on with berserk frenzy and the stormcast army cannot push in any further as the rats hold their ground within the safety of their defensive walls. But as the crescendo of the battle-horn reaches a climax, the very skeleton of the skaven structure begins to buckle and bend, sending it into a catastrophic collapse.   A battle-horn calls out in the dead of night; a signal of victory.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

A battle-horn of mysterious origins.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It is rumoured that Clarion was a travelling bard of great renown, but he has neither confirmed nor denied this. As such, little is known about his past mortal life.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

He maintains a positive attitude through even the most difficult of situations.
Cold grey eyes
Long pale blue in a top-knot
Known Languages
Since his reforging, he has been left mute. He has since learned how to communicate with sign language and many of his closer comrades have learned some to support him.

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