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Grimwald Stonehardt - Paladin Prime, The Pious Hammer

Retributor Prime/Concussor (a.k.a. The Keystone Warrior)

A cascading shower of stones falls into the chasm underneath the stone bridge. Along with it flies the bodies of several storm vermin stunned or dead from a swing of his mighty warhammer. They scream and squeak as they fall to their deaths but on the bridge itself, only a boisterous echoing laugh can be heard.   Grimwald enjoyed combat, even when facing terrible odds. Before him now stood over a hundred storm vermin, monstrous rats bound in rusty pieces of armour and armed with vicious halberds. Grimwald held the bridge alone, the last one to cross it as the villagers escaped. To let these vile creatures cross would mean the death of everyone beyond here and that was something he wouldn’t allow.   Rain poured down in droves, making the stonework slick. He held his ground as well as he held his great hammer. The rats had gathered onto the bridge, cramped onto every inch, waiting for an opportunity to push forwards but the mighty warrior barred their way. Another dozen lunge towards him, blades whirring through the rain to strike at him. His hammer snaps the rusty weapons as they come into contact and furthermore breaks through several skulls along the way. But despite his efforts, a few manage to wound him, cutting grievous wounds. He stumbles backwards a few steps, looking around him warily. He stands at the apex of this arching stone bridge, the last defence of those behind him.   Smelling blood in the air, the rats begin to march cautiously forwards. They point their halberds as they advance and some even climb over the edge of the bridge to try to flank the lone warrior. Their pace slows though as the man gives out another hearty laugh. ‘You think you’ve won now, eh?‘ he shouts to them in his loud booming voice, ‘What victory do you have if you are all dead before tasting it? I will not die without taking all of you with me!‘   He lifts his hammer into the air high above his head as a crack of thunder splits the darkened sky. He drives the hammer to the ground, crumbling through the stonework of the bridge. The keystone shatters beneath him, sending the bridge into a rippling collapse. The vermin begin to clamber over each other, fighting against one another for selfish safety. They fall screaming down below into the darkness, bodies slamming against the cliff face or being crushed beneath the falling rubble.   Grimwald falls with a sense of pride, knowing that his people would be safe from the rat plague for now. Despite the carnage and chaos around him in the collapse, his mind was at peace as the thunder crackled above him.

Physical Description

Facial Features

He was previously bald but using Harmonite, he has grown and impressively regal mane of shaggy hair.

Identifying Characteristics

Even by stormcast standards, Grimwald is an immense man.

Physical quirks

He stands rigidly straight, his posture never slumped.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

As his unit faced the head-on charge of a group of gore-gruntas, one swing of his hammer brought the mighty beast down mid-charge. This broke their charge and in turn he caused a mass rout of the pig riders.

Failures & Embarrassments

Following being taken by Sigmar from mortal life, he found that his efforts in life were ultimately fruitless and the Skaven horde consumed the kingdom he called home merely days after his battle on the bridge. His family, friends and everyone he knew in life were lost in the overwhelming tide of rats.

Intellectual Characteristics

Grimwald is a simple man with simple tactics. He looks to his leaders to guide his might.

Morality & Philosophy

He is a true believer in defending the weak and uses his great strength to this task unerringly.

Personality Characteristics


He hopes to find someone from his past, but as time has past he has lost almost all hope in this.
Brilliant blue
Wild a shaggy hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned skin

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