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Iota Dalling - Lady Aquilor, The Pink Phoenix

Lady Aquilor of the Outriders (a.k.a. The Bladed Wind)

Stars shift in the evening darkness of the interstice. In Harmonia, an uneasy calm settles among the streets as dim lights offer respite from the ever present darkness beyond the walls. Just several hundred paces away from the safe confines of the city gates, the jungles of the Ghyran lush thrum with activity. Burgeoning plant life here grows ever continuously and with it an unrelenting need for sustenence and resources. With the fading of daylight, the plants resort to all manners of nutrients to sustain themselves; even flesh.   Three stormcast eternals walk the winding alleys of Harmonia. They know far too well about the dangers of the interstice, for they have just arrived from the unforgiving wildlands. There were ten of them when they first arrived, plucked away by a whirling storm of death magic in Shyish. Instead of finding death or the shattering pain of another reforging, they re-emerged in this strange realm between realms. Their numbers dwindled as they either succumbed to the effects of the Soul Burn or were killed by some unknown terror. Either way, it left the survivors mentally scarred and tortured with sleepless nights.   The three wear the sombre darkened armor of the Anvils of Heldenhammer, each draped with the black and grey-striped fur skin of a ghast-wolf; something that distinguished the vanguard hunters of their region. They walk warily through the moon lit streets, feeling like pariahs despite the seemingly warm atmosphere of the city. They pass by aelves, duardin, humans and even a few orruks that have wound up in this city, it was an odd sense of civility and normality compared to the harrowing experience they had out in the wilds.   They reach their destination, an inn with orange glowing lights beaming from its glazed windows. The sound of boisterous laughter and song came from within; something that seemed foreign to the usually dower personalities of their Anvil brethren. They were told to find the Aquilor of the Pathfinders of Harmonia; she would be their new leader and lead them on campaigns across this strange planescape. All sources brought them to this inn: The Laughing Moon.   Pushing inwards, they are met with a dagger slamming into the door frame beside them. "...right through dem eyes I saw it I did!" a man continued his story as he made strides towards the door to retrieve his dagger. He wore common clothing and was probably more than a few drinks into the evening. One of the three felt his ire rise wanting to strike the man, but the other two held him back as they saw his bolt pistol strapped to his hip. The room was merry as all ears listened in on the tale, "Eight eyes in eight shots! Each one burstin's like a melon ripe they were. Mad as a hoppin' gitz it was as it slipped into the canyon!" The man made a whistling sound until he stomped his feet onto the ground in a thump. "Stopped the entire grotlin' army in their tracks that did and we didn't lose a single battle brother that day!" he shouted triumphantly as tankards clattered on tables in approval.   "Who else could do such a feat from atop a speeding gryph charger?" another man shouted from the balcony above, "None other than our lady!"   "Our lady! Our lady!" the crowd boomed back in response, shouts and claps echoing against the rafters.   From the corner of the room a lone figure walks out, a pitcher of drink in her hand as she tries the hush the room. A thick plume of pink hair trails behind her and her emerald green eyes are wide as she addresses the loud room of drinkers, "Another round for the Pathfinders!". A mighty cheer went up as the crowd bang on their tables in approval and the barkeeper begins pouring out a steady stream of drink.   Her eyes wander over to the three standing by the door, the three vanguard hunters feeling more out of place here at the inn than in the hostile wilds they just came from. She wears plain drab clothing but with a heavy cloak of furs from a dire warg draped across her shoulders. A starbound blade rests at her hip, the hilt radiating like burning coals. She grabs a tankard and begins pouring from her pitcher as she walks up to the trio of new arrivals, handing the drink to one of them. From beneath her fur cloak, she reveals to them her badge: a blazing comet of gold inset with a prussian blue sapphire.   "I am Iota Dalling, Lady Aquilor of the Pathfinders," she announces with a grin, "welcome to Harmonia."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is slim of build with uncanny dexterity and agility.  Her keen sense allow her to react quickly against threats.

Facial Features

She keeps her pink hair in a long wild plume, letting it fly loose as she rides through the winds.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the beast-filled lands of Ghur, Iota was a plains rider in the tribe of Darifra. She could master any mount from fierce basilisks to agile hippogryphs. For her superior handling of these great creatures, she was revered among her tribe and held a high place of power as a queen beast-master. Along with her king, Airo Saurifo, the pair rode to war against invading Orruks and defeated them in battle on numerous occasions through their powerful use of their tamed beasts. They were known as the two wings of Darifra for their swift and decisive strikes against enemy invaders. Headstrong and fearless, their tribe fought with bravery and savagery that saved the lands from the Orruk invaders many times over.   It all changed one day though, as a seemingly normal invading force of Orruks turned into insurmountable odds. From the skies descended giant dragons, clad in plates of iron to crush her tribe. Airo was defeated before her eyes by this gigantic creature. Turning away arrow, spear, and blade a swipe of its giant tail threw the beast rider into a great chasm, never to be seen again. Her army and tribe vanquished, she rushed headlong at her foe, only to be taken by a stroke of thunder.   She started as a Vanguard Hunter, but her ability to bond with a gryph charger and her adept leadership abilities soon had her promoted to being Lady Aquilor leading a vanguard unit in daring raids across the various realms. Her attacks were lightning fast and precise.   During her a campaign with her outriders, the Aetheric winds which they used to travel vast distances met with a pocket of wild realm magic, sending her and her forces into the unknown lands of the interstice.   Cut off from allies and without certainty of return, she campaigns across these lands trying to establish order with any allies she may come across, all the while fighting against the other souls that have found their way to these mysterious lands.

Mental Trauma

While she boasts about being driven by her love and quest to find her husband once more, but it pains her that she can no longer remember his name or his face. The loss of her partner still haunts her. She yearns to find him and deeply hopes that he too was reforged as a Stormcast so that they can meet each other once more.

Intellectual Characteristics

She fights in a daring manner, striking hard and fast while using the mobility of her forces to out-maneuver her opponents. She excels at using surprise tactics which put her at the brink of danger.

Morality & Philosophy

She has a deep respect for nature and animals. A denizen of Ghur, she finds adapting to city life difficult and finds much more comfort camping outside the confines of fortress walls.

Personality Characteristics


She tells that she is driven to find her long lost husband, feeling that his soul must have also been taken as a stormcast by Sigmar. However, a part of her knows that her husband is lost and that she secretly longs for a permanent death to maybe find him in Shyish.

Vices & Personality flaws

Fond of the drink

Personality Quirks

She loves to taunt an enemy up close, especially to drive them into pursuit.


Contacts & Relations

She works closely with Mortred Magistar, but finds him painfully dull and too overly serious.   Currently bearing a grudge against High Templar Veshirnath the Vigilant and Lord Executioner Melkhior.

Social Aptitude

She is charismatic in that she inspires a great sense of confidence in her followers. Socially she is a drinker, loud and boastful about her long history of hunting dangerous prey. She often tells about her past life and embellishes her stories with enticing details.


Perhaps not the most subtle of speakers, she often speaks her mind without thinking of the effect it has on others.


She is blunt in manner with a sharp tongue and matching wit. She will interject rudely in conversations without even realizing it.
Emerald Green
Long pink
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Aligned Organization
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