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Kongming of Red-Cliff - Lord Imperatant

Lord Imperatant (a.k.a. The Sleeping Dragon)

The Lord Imperatant waves his feather warfan forth, his silent command bringing a hundred marching stormcast to an immediate halt. Shields locked tightly together like a wall of impenetrable sigmarite. Spears bristle through this wall, a dangerous reminder of the warriors that stand within. There was an uneasy calm amongst Sigmar's chosen. Utmost discipline held their formations and the key to their success lies with their leader. By his command, they would recite their battle plan with perfect precision; their success or failure rested in his strategies and timing.   The enemy forces lie mere paces away. The glinting of their steel and the ferocity in the eyes clearly visible through the morning mist. Masses of warriors in great numbers that dwarf that of the Stormcast, they welcomed the challenge, feeling that their numbers would overrun the Sigmarite warriors and their well formed lines would break as many before them had. They rush forwards, bounding with each step to meet their foe and the ground trembling under their weighted charge. Their deafening battle cries rattled the stormcast armour.    Kongming makes another gesture, signalling the knight heraldors to change tempo. Suddenly the stormcast army shifts to meet the charge, as if many cogs within a perfectly synced mechanism. Their lines break to envelope the charging enemy, sections stepping back in ordered withdrawals while others stepped forwards and turned their shields, as if creating a funneled wall to force the enemies in. The battle frenzied enemy forces don't realize it until it is too late and they are surrounded before they could fully understand. Spears thrust out to skewer the trapped enemies, warcries are sputtered out by gurgles of blood and a deathly silence followed. The first wave of foes are dispatched quickly and the stormcast lines are drawn again in quick silent succession, all to the shock and horror of the watching enemies. The stormcast look on unfazed, their lines unbroken as if no effort was spent.   The Lord Imperatant gave out another order, this time his warhammer held forwards and a quiet word spoken understood by the entirety of his forces. The shieldwall mobilized. The army began their steady march forwards in synchronized lockstep.   The enemies fled.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A philospher in mortal life, he was well versed in both philosophy and warfare. With this knowledge in mind, he held advisory roles in great wars, bringing great victories where none was thought achievable. His employ was not easily sought though, as he required those that would seek his knowledge to be virtuous and righteous.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Confounded an army of Tzeentch cultists within a forest with maze-like constructs to conceal ambushes, confuse and terrify the trapped eneies, and sap morale at every turn.

Intellectual Characteristics

He remains calm in all circumstances. So much so that it is unnerving for many.

Morality & Philosophy

He is soft spoken and will often speak in rhymes, proverbs, or with philosophical ideas.
Dark green
Slicked back black hair

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