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Mortred Magistar - Lord Celestant, Warden of Harmonia

Lord Celestant, Warden of Harmonia (a.k.a. The Prince)

Physical Description

Facial Features

He can't seem to grow facial hair.

Identifying Characteristics

When shouting orders, his voice reverberates with crackles of lightning.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A crown prince in mortal life, he trained hard to live up to the title bestowed upon him. Despite his efforts, he was often mocked for his high status in the military as simply due to his lineage rather than his prowess. His abilities were further shadowed by his father, the king, who lead an immense force with an impressive record of victories in battle. However, the darkness of a nearly endless eclipse beset his kingdom, sending ravenous zombies and ghouls to plague the country in an horrifying nightmare of carnage.   His father lead the vanguard to fend off these invaders, but after weeks of the main army's departure the news was grim. His father was lost and the kingdom's fate rested on his shoulders, but he too could not defeat the undead army that choked out the lands.   He was reforged as a Lord Celestant of the stormcast eternals. He lead campaigns against the forces of Nagash through various realms during the realm gate wars and beyond. He was in Shyish when the Necroquake occurred and as the earth opened up beneath his army, they were thrown into the Interstice and lost touch with the mortal realms proper. His forces traversed the interstice until they stumbled upon the ruins in the Ghyran Lush that would eventually form the city of Harmonia.

Accomplishments & Achievements

As a Lord Celestant, at the battle of Dragongrave, he prevented the creation of a dracolich by shattering the ritual platform whilst it was suspended some 50ft above a chasm.

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite several reforgings, he remembers his final day of mortal life fighting a losing battle on the plains of Anghoast.

Intellectual Characteristics

He is a consummate commander with an ability to think tactically even in the heat of battle.

Morality & Philosophy

He finds it hard to let his forces do the fighting while he stands back. He leads from the front, often attacking where the battle rages strongest. He feels the need to prove himself to his followers. Moreover, he hates to watch his forces suffer casualties when he feels he is able to turn the tide of battle.

Personality Characteristics


He wishes to seek out and destroy the undead creatures that had destroyed his kingdom.

Personality Quirks

He is acutely aware of the thunderous qualities of his voice and thus tends to speak in soft tones when possible.
His eyes spark with arcs of lightning
Long dark grey hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale complexion

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