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Mozgus Stonewing - Lord Exorcist, The Apostle

Lord Exorcist (a.k.a. The Apostle)

When your shield is broken, you seek the armourer. When your sword is shattered, you seek the smith. When your body is wounded, you seek the healer. When your soul is tormented, I will be there.
- Mozgus Stonewing
  Mozgus is one of the most faithful of sigmar's champions. His past life is a mystery but one could surmise that he was likely a very devout follower of Sigmar back then as well.   His faith manifests in the mystical magicks that he wields. While he manipulates aether energies like any wizard, he says that it is only his faith that channels these forces, not arcane knowledge. His spells are not brought into being by verbal components, but by the pious chanting of his holy rites.   With these holy magicks, he purges the evil and the undead, having no pity for the followers of Nagash. His holy voice echoes like a tolling bell that shatters the spirits of the undead.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

He speaks with a loud booming voice and is often times seen to be quite jovial despite his seemingly zealous stance on most topics.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Forgiving and merciful... as long as you are not a follower of Nagash or Chaos

Personality Quirks

Laughs maniacally when smiting evil spirits and daemons.
Most often closed, but pale blue when open
Quotes & Catchphrases
Be wise now therefore, ye kings. Be admonished, ye judges of the realms. Serve Sigmar with fear and rejoice with trembling. Bless the hammer lest he be angry and ye perish in the way, though his wrath be kindled but a little.   Hold your tongue. The dead don't speak!  Do the dead dare walk the earth before my eyes?  Will the undead raise an army, fall in, and advance?  Would those who would abandon Sigmar and appraise the heretical order DARE presume to meet my gaze!?  Sigmar will not allow it.  I will not allow it.  You will be cut down like a straw, trembling before my wrath.  LATOM!!

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