Ciara Pridsdottir Character in The Irregulars | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Ciara Pridsdottir


Ciara was born the middle child. It didn't matter that she and her sisters were within minutes of eachother. It didn't matter that they were loved and cared for by their demoness and dullahan mothers. In her heart those minutes mattered and because they mattered, they proved to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. While her sisters were held to a high standard or babied, Ciara grew to be rebellious.   While her sisters toed their parent's rules, Ciara would cut her own hair and disfigure her clothes. She'd purposefully misplace and hide dresses and girly clothes only to raid her parent's closets for oversized t-shirts in which she could form a canvas of possibility.   And then puberty happened. It's odd for something like puberty to be such a defining moment. Certainly it's important, but 'defining' is usually a stretch. Not so for Ciara and her sisters. The trio were of seer blood and in the great cosmic mystery of life, they were bonded through their divination and became fates.   To go from a child to one of three magical, nearly all-seeing superatural beings was a shock. The three grew extremely close in this short time. Disparate family became 'a piece of three'. But it was not all sunshine.   Ciara's rebeliousness continued to flourish with time, she demanded freedoms her parents did not wish to give. Eventually though, they allowed her to take up a job at a record shop. The kindly store owner wasn't supernatural but they knew too much to be a mundie. The two were kindred spirits and Ciara found an obsession, a love for metal and a punk style. She would even begin doing piercings herself till her parents acquiesced and let her get them professionally done.   But then, one day, a man entered Ciara's shop. Usually she used her sense of the future, even dimmed without being near her sisters, to give her a good idea of what a customer would like. This man was not the same. Around and about him was a dark cloud, an aura so black it permeated the future she saw when she looked at him.   The darkness was suffocating, the man himself frightening. The man asked to use a telephone and left, but Ciara was so shaken, the store owner drove her home early. As they drove away, Ciara felt, and then saw, the SUV pull behind them. Reaching out with her mind, Ciara felt the same cloying darkness as before. She begged and cried for her employer to drive faster, to take turns to throw them off. The pursuit became more and more dangerous, the men in the SUV ramming their car.   And then the screeching of tires, the smashing of a car into the SUV, T-boning the vehicle and slamming it onto the curb. Women in suits converged on the vehicle, pulled the stunned-but armed men from their seats, disarming and lined them up on their knees. Ligael, her mother, had come for her.   The men were spared, wiped of memories perhaps too far back to be safe for their mental health. But the danger they put Ciara into hardened Ligael's heart. Even moreso when they were searched and revealed to be Templar. Sworn enemies of all supernaturals and especially of seers.   Taken back home, Ligael and Ciara's mother comforted their daughter and laid down new ground rules. Ciara would later lament her 'birdcage-blues' days, but even her rebelliousness was somewhat quelled by that evening.   When the girls closed in on becoming of age, they were offered the opportunity to escape scrutiny of the seer-hunting templars. The opportunity for immortality, an unlife of sorts. To become dullahan. The magic of becoming headless would remove their ability for divination. Thus remove them from the 'radar' of the templars.   All three girls accepted, undergoing the procedure of ritual decapitation and vows on their birthday. They were then tutored in dullahan philosophy by the wandering-paladin dullahan who had performed the ritual.   In months to come, the girls would realized their natures as fates had only been dampened, making them hard to find but giving them some small retained ability of telling the future. Each sister now has brief glimpses of the future in sync with her sisters, often their personal vision impossible to understand unless they're together. Each girl has their 'piece' associated with a sense, and in Ciara's case that sense is hearing.   [what is she doing now?]


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