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Sir Admiral Shekels Captain of the Gold Dubloon (a.k.a. Noah spelled Shekels wrong)

Noah spelled shekels wrong lmao

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin and scrawny, physically weak, very agile.

Body Features

Shekels has dark purple skin, and a small and lanky frame. He is incredibly lean and gives the impression that he under eats.

Facial Features

Shekels has sharp features; pointy chin, pointy nose, pointy ears, and one large pointy fang that can be seen even when his mouth is closed. And lets not forget about his horn.

Identifying Characteristics

One large horn on the left side of his head, the right horn is missing. Dark purple skin in a land typically inhabited by humans.

Physical quirks

He has terrible posture from sneaking around all the time, and always has to be fiddling with something (usually a knife or his lucky coin).

Special abilities

His tiefling ancestry gave him the power to perform weak magics, but he only really uses it for party tricks.

Apparel & Accessories

Shekels dons a light set of leather amour, with one of his 3 hooded cloaks on top of that (not that he can actually put up the hoods, his horn gets in the way).   For accessories he can often be seen wearing an eyepatch and captain's hat, even when he is not on board a ship. At all times he wears a chaincuff with the chain sawed off on his left hand (he claims he could pick the lock, he just likes it as a symbol).

Specialized Equipment

He wears one thick leather pauldron he claims helps with shoulder rolls. Every inch of his many belts and bandoliers is fitted with daggers, musket shots, and gold pouches (it is a wonder he can go anywhere without making sound).

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He grew up on the streets of a port town in the South, never knowing his real parents. His only possession was single gold coin. He was picked on by the other urchins for his purple skin, his horns, and his tail. Those were some racist ass urchins smh. One day, when he was still a wee lad, he was caught stealing a loaf of bread from a small shop. The shopkeepers were a middle-aged couple who saw this poor child and adopted him. He started living an honest life as a merchant, but the streets called to him. By day he would help his adoptive parents run the shop, but by night he would sneak out and steal from whoever he deemed as "having too much."   After a getting caught during a heist at on the mayor's manor he was exiled. He found work on a pirate ship as a deckhand, and did what pirates do. Years later his captain's ship took a lethal blow in a particularly heated skirmish. He escaped on the lifeboat, leaving the rest of the crew to drow,. He rowed and rowed until he reached land on the island of Wyn, and the rest is history.


Taught harsh lessons on the streets, learned how to swashbuckle as a pirate's deckhand

Accomplishments & Achievements

He survived in the guild since session 1 without anyone getting bored of him and switching. And he almost single-handedly stole a pirate ship from actual pirates. Shekels has killed 8 1/2 bosses. Most importantly he can pass the time on long journeys with fancy card tricks

Failures & Embarrassments

He has shot and stabbed multiple teammates in the back, each time he meekly said a "oops, sorry."

Mental Trauma

He is afraid of wide open spaces, and has issues trusting new people. "People will lie, cheat, and stab you in the back, but money will never betray you."

Intellectual Characteristics

Shekels is very street smart, not at all smart in other regards.

Morality & Philosophy

Stay true to your crew   Follow the money


Sailing without paying the Sea's tithe

Personality Characteristics


Gold, money, cash, moola, wealth, riches, fortunes, treasures, all that and being a captain of a mighty fleet

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Incredible at picking locks, card tricks, pickpocketing, and not being seen   Incredibly charismatic, yet somehow is horrible when it comes to talking to women

Likes & Dislikes

Likes gold, silver, and pudding.   Dislikes: TAXES and druids ("Fenric is okay I guess").

Virtues & Personality perks

Quick to the draw, always the first one to make a move, is very alert.   Even though he loves money more than people, he knows the pirates code and will fight by his comrades no matter what. When it comes to splitting the earnings on the other hand...

Vices & Personality flaws

Greedy to a fault, loves to gamble

Personality Quirks

Has a horrible obnoxious laugh, often sneaks up on people by mistake, will sing see shanties when hes nervous


Keeps a clean ship, those caught making a mess will have to swab the deck.


Family Ties

Actually on good terms with his adopted parents, sends them letters often and even a portion of his earnings

Religious Views

Shekels doesn't care much for deities, but he will pay the Sea's tithe (a gold coin per voyage) in order to not piss off whatever ocean god there is.

Social Aptitude

Incredibly charismatic, but prefers not to be the center of attention. Not one for idle conversation, but can turn on the charm when he needs to. Commands his crew with confidence.

Hobbies & Pets

1 Ankheg egg that he hopes one day will hatch, 1 living shrubbery, and whatever is in the bag of tricks


His voice is silly and not the one you would expect from a ruthless pirate

Wealth & Financial state

Shekels hoards as much gold as possible, which isn't much with the guild's cut and ship upkeep bleeding him dry. He dreams of one day filling his captain's quarters with shiny gold coins in ridiculously large treasure chests.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Knight of the Holy Order of Wyn, Admiral of the Naval Fleet of Wyn, Captain of the Gold Dubloon and the Silver Serpent
The streets
Current Residence
Fort Bilgewater, A few days voyage from Wyn
Golden yellow
Short, messy, angled to the right where one horn should be
5'7" head height, 6'2" with the horn
115 lbs, 300 lbs worth of daggers in his bag
Quotes & Catchphrases
"People will lie, cheat, and stab you in the back, but money will never betray you."
Known Languages
Common, infernal, thieves can't

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