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Joel Mokobak (Josh)

Joel Mokobak (Josh)

Joel Mokobak is a half orc, born to the Mokobak family. Rhys and Rosilin Mokobak, who's past was shrouded in mystery. However they always did their best to help the dead and the families they left behind.   When his parents died of age and sickness, Joel and his younger brother Finn were left alone until they split apart due to a disagreement. They both left with scars.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is a tall and broad shouldered half orc. Built up, but not extremely large.

Body Features

Joel has a few tattoos now. A raven feather quill on his right wrist, a small string of ink swirling into a rope that tangles up his arm. and the symbol of the raven queen on the left of his chest.

Facial Features

Joel has one very distinct scar on the right side of his mouth, from the side of his eye to just below his lip, along with one broken tusk along with it.   Joel has also slowly been forgetting to shave, so a bit of scruff is growing on his face, and if you look close enough, streaks of white are growing in his hair. Though it's not much, and it's buried in his dark locks.

Physical quirks

Often his facial expressions are severe. He's young. Big shock, smoldering anger, and crinkle eye smiles. Along with a nervous tick of scratching his neck or the back of his head.

Special abilities

Is infected with Lycanthropy. The Beast is a large white bear.

Apparel & Accessories

His attire is full of greys and blacks. He has a long raven feather cloak. (Trevor Belmont season 4, Castlevania vibes)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Joel grew up with his family, worshiping the Raven Queen. Looking at death as a necessary evil, but the beauty of crossing. It brought sadness, but the ability to help those that needed it most always brought hope to the young half orc.   His childhood was nice, kind, and warm. Until his parents fell severely ill. They passed peacefully but he and his younger brother Finn fought about what to do now. Finn was scared and wanted his parents back, and knew that there were ways to bring them back. Joel detested this idea and they fought more and more until they finally reached a boiling point.   It was all a blur, but Joel ended with a nasty scar from an axe, and his younger brother ended with one eye, and Joel, with his fathers blade in his hands. The two separated and have not spoken for years.   Until recently..

Gender Identity



Straight, though never gave it much consideration.


Mortician turned Grave Cleric for the Raven Queen.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Joel has succeeded in the hindrance and stop to many deaths by the dragon cult. As well as having a large part in the death or capture of two mask wielders. He joined the council at Waterdeep and is making large strides to ending the Dragon Cult once and for all.

Failures & Embarrassments

Unable to stop the Night Hag "Mama Mia" Unable to kill the Mummy Lord in the serpent hills Unable to stop or kill the Vessel of Vecna "Maximilian Blackwater" Unable to stop his brother from going down a dark path. Unable to stop himself from hurting a few friends as a beast.

Mental Trauma

His brother was hurt by him, and now turned down a dark and unforgiving, ruthless path.   The Seer Beholder told him his dream was just a dream, and there will never be true peace.   His failures have led to many unnecessary deaths.   The Beast begs for blood. And the only way to silence it is to indulge it.   His ideals have been only a hindrance to the party, and the mission.

Morality & Philosophy

Joel belives that death is always present, that those who fear it will join it sooner. But those that accept it, the Raven Queen will cast her shadow upon them quietly.   Joel wants to do right by people, as his parents did before him. He wishes for death to be the end of a life. And that this death, is what gives a life it's meaning.   However his idealistic philosophy has been stomped out time and time again, and now doubt brews in the young orc.

Personality Characteristics


To do the most good. It's not how you lived, but how you die. What you managed to do with the life you were given. It's what you leave behind when you pass, that gives your life meaning.   Joel wants to give the world a chance at true peace.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves to cook! Likes making his friends happy and helping the world as a whole.   Dislikes undead with extreme prejudice. As well as blind aggression. (ironically)

Vices & Personality flaws

Joel is too trusting in most areas. Though has been reading people much closer in recent times. He is locked in his head about most of his issues and that is a dangerous place to stay. He will reach a boiling point one day unless treated.

Personality Quirks

Social awkwardness to the extremes. Doesn't know how to deal with compliments and or anything romantic or sexual. Also Joel tends to crack under social pressure. (for now)


Clean and healthy! His hair has been growing a fair bit recently and he forgets to shave from time to time, more so recently.


Contacts & Relations

Finn Mokobak aka " Ol' One eye " Captain of the Flaming Fist, under contract of Ulthur Ravenguard. (Complicated relationship currently)   Leader of the White Wolves - a clan of werebears that accepted Joel into their tribe.

Joel Mokobak, son of the Mokobak family, established morticians and grave keepers. Joel's parents died from sickness and age. Now with his family gone, Joel seeks to do right by the world and uses his Cleric abilitie to help.

View Character Profile
In Swing
Date of Birth
17 years ago
Grey Brook
Current Residence
With the Party!
Black, traces of white (slightly)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Green
230~ lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"May the Queen take you" -To an enemy who is about to die "Sorry!" - most days
Known Languages
Common, Orcish, Celestial, Abyssal