"Skywalker Troubles" - Main Quest

General Summary

Cloak and Lager

Session 10 - Main Quest

The party then gathers their belongings and new components in the morning and traverses back to Boardwalk to collect on the bounty. They do so and retire back to The Pearl Jam, but aren’t even able to kick their feet up before they are met by a mysterious cloaked figure. It is Nathaniel Haven of Haven Cross. One of the heirs of the island. He is in Boardwalk looking for the group the Samuel Wyrmshadow vouches for, "those that look for a different way to end things, and that can be trusted to look for the light in the darkness." Samuel spoke such things about April and her former adventurers. Winslow and the new friends made in April's company, Salochin and Grothar included sit awhile and listen to Nathaniel speak about the true nature of Lord Regent on High Richard Haven, his father and strongest force on the island.  

Lord Regent on High Richard Haven.

Nathaniel begins to detail his father, the lord of the island in great detail. Speaking of how his father first came to the island some 500 years ago, long before any of his siblings were born, and came with their mother. This island was supposedly nothing but Human Barbarian Tribes and a few other settlements, besides the Hanan Ce'Vesh and Brazenthrone of course. Richard, an oddly named High Elf, establishes his first settlement where he landed, still around and still known as Haven's Landing and then a history of violence proceeds. Nathaniel does not know where his father was born, or why he came to the island, but ever since he has arrived, he has murdered it’s humans and tried his best to control the island. Nathaniel states, “I don’t have proof, but I think he is working with The Magehounds, and know where proof lies that he has worked with The Burning Wave in the past.”   Nathaniels town of Haven Cross, was recently converted from a trading outpost and settlement with an adventurers guild into a bounty hunter hall. The once honorable individuals of the town have been pushed out as the bandits and other’s looking to make a quick buck and move on take up houses in the nearby village. When Haven Cross’ vault was picked clean by Gehdry and his bag of holding, Nathaniel had to get a Gold Infusion from his father to keep the guards paid and families fed - his father used this opportunity to convert the hall. This is not something Nathaniel ever wanted.  

Sending Aid to Hanan Ce’Vesh!

Nathaniel tells the party of an impending attack coming to a local elven settlement, Hanan Ce’Vesh. This settlement isn’t small, but it is a village of artists and hunters, not soldiers, and Richard, previously an ally of the Wood Elves and Eladrin that live there, is sending a small regiment there to wipe them out. The party agrees to help Nathaniel, and as the others venture forth to downstairs to retire for the evening they are met at the door by a winded Ashera. Down in the party's expansive room Nathaniel and Ashera each share more details about Hanan Ce'Vesh's history and the party rests, as much as they can, knowing that tomorrow they are essentially walking into a war.   The party leaves at first light to the mouth of Valley of The Solstice in the northwest of the Island. After a few days journey, the party arrives a few hours before the regiment can be seen down the path, going the more difficult shortcut paid off, at least 2 dozen rows of soldiers clad in metal armor trample the forest as three horses lead the rear. Nathaniel speeds into the village to alert them and for them to muster up as many fighters as they can and focus them on the assaulting force. There was another force that had come by sea and was attacking from the West, so a good amount of the hunters we're split to guard there though Ashera's presence and pleads helped lead a few other scouts to join the fray as the contingent of over 3 dozen began to draw near.   Two Longbowmen are found manning the walls of the city and the handful of scouts use the trees as cover as the army approaches. The party lies in wait until the force is well surrounded, and they spring a trap with the elves of the city. After many rounds of fighting, a good portion of the scouts and longbowmen are called to the other gate, but one of the longbowmen stays to provide covering fire for the party, disobeying orders.   Nathaniel struggles with this fight as he sees his sister, a general in his father’s army atop the center of the three horses at the rear. His Winter Eladrin Powers frighten a few soldiers as he makes his way to his sister, Eliza, to restrain her and attempt to see the error of her ways. Both elves, Nathaniel and Eliza have their own mini encounter. Some other party members see the struggle and fire some magic that way, Ashera being one of them, but Nathaniel is able to wrestle his sister to the ground and teleport her and himself away with his Misty Step innate magic and an action surge.   The battle comes to an end after Nathaniel ties up Eliza, and the rest of the party members gather up the remaining soldiers - the attack on the West wall also failed, but there are heavy casualties.. Nathaniel gathers a few scouts from the town, and has them line up, opposite the soldiers and after a brief speech. “ You are just pawns in my father’s fight, but these people are innocent too, and I leave you to them.” Nathaniel and the party leave to speak with the elders of the village.   The city of Hanan Ce’Vesh was once an ally to Richard Haven and allied in times of war. They worked together to fight the Barbarians and have regretted the decision since, after being used this way by Richard, many believers of the Winter's Hunt were chastised, though some believers in that way still remain, so, after some exchanged looks, the scouts shot down the remaining 7 soldiers.   The elders were confused, worried, and scared. They hadn’t done anything to provoke an attack, they hadn’t done anything other than be the peaceful folk they have been for the last few decades. A hearing is conducted by the elders to deem the innocence of the party, and after much discussion, the Elders decide to hold Eliza - not kill her, and the party could talk to her in the morning, provided they shared any information they gathered. Regardless of what the end result was, at least for tonight, the party were prisoners.   The next morning, Eliza was missing. No one knows how she was able to break out of the prison, stealthily kill the Last Prince of the Eladrin City - an artifact of the old hunter regime, and retreat without a trace. Eliza is still in the wind, but the party was released after her disappearance, being asked to return in a weeks time to update them, so that they could decide once and for all if it was war or a misunderstanding. Nathaniel says he will go to the capital FairHaven and see what he can learn without raising any flags.
Feat players April Airlez, Winslow "The Wise" , Hideo - Z000, Urkall "Goodwill" Neekrath, and Ashera of The Moon.
Report Date
17 Sep 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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