Black Skulls, Blacker Hearts Pt I - Character Quest

General Summary

2 weeks remain before The Forlorn Distant will be in harbor, and for all the time April has been on the island thusly, she has been too wrapped up in it's affairs to tend to her own bonds. The life of a healer, even a newer one such as April, is never done. Whats worse, for the last month or, since FairHaven on High, she has been sitting on some information that might actually lead her towards her father, Tazennin “Shadowhand” Baenreyth, a powerful Drow Elf who has aligned himself with The Cult of The Dragon.
  April, after grieving her mothers death from disease, was visited by Bahamut's Exarch, Kuyutha who sensed Aprils need to heal the wounds her father continues to cause. Kuyutha offered her the celestial pact that allowed her to truly start her journey to Haven Island from Kalthorne due South of Haven Island. This was her first chance to finally learn more about him and what he has been up to since leaving her mother so long ago!
  The intel, upon reinspection pointed her towards a part of The Murk Mire she had been to before, when searching for the Purple Windresses for the first time... He was under her nose the whole time! Sitting in the hideout of the resistance she begins to form a plan in her mind, and aided by a handful of others both new and old help her on this side quest.
  Goodwill and Xanbjorn join, with nothing better to do in the meantime, and 3 others join the fray, the first, a graceful bladesinger Wood Elf named Frolic, then a witty mother of few who must steal to keep them safe and alive - her name, Fimo, a tiefling, and finally, Hunter V, a warforged with a particular gift in tracking and snagging bounties. Elric stayed behind to help arm up the fighters with his magic of artifice, and Winslow remained as well - a refugee more than anything at this point, but he finds small ways to help where he can.
  After securing Hunter V and delivering a letter to Nathaniel in Haven Cross, the party trudges deep into the Jungle, following notes copied from Samuel Wyrmshadows' journal, a familiar path was followed up to a campsite that was first made by April and the others of before The Blight. The camp served as a reminder of the first time the party found a hint at something greater at hand, just beyond in the deepest part of the jungle. They rested for the night, stories and revelry being shared by some, April is uncharacteristically dour though. Unsure of what she will discover tomorrow.
  The party begins their trek and someway in, the path veers - last time here they were not looking for it, and, it was dark. The path twists through branches and muck and after an hour or so, the path solidifies and traces of civilization, however ancient, are found among the vines and other flora. The building they happened upon is revealed to be a temple or church of some kind, April's past as an Anthropologist helping her to see that and other signs in the building. Other search around, bones and other scraps of people and animal are scattered about the floor, along with some bedroll, however tattered. Fast approaching from atop the building, lightfooted Lizardfolk jump down, but Frolic's swords of warning ensure no one is truly surprised.
  They make quick work of the lizardfolk and discover the once temple is now a temporary prison for those they capture on the road, cages with locking mechanism's storing those unfortunate to be caught, or as it was never going to be the case with Hunter V, fall into the dug out pit cages. Just before the fight, he has sprung not one but two, and was able to deftly parkour off the wall to secure footing before falling into the third.
  Travelling onward, the path is solid once more, and continues for a time, until coming out to a sort of clearing, trees still littering the area and foliage of the jungle stacked tall, perfect for cover, but more open and with two arched bridges (the closest in ruins) reaching across them, some scouting from Frolic and confirmation from a nearby Hawk helps to point the party towards a safer path, but something is drawing April's focus further up the hill, across the river the slope climbs and... something is sticking out through the tress above that she can't quite make out. Despite the other path being seen as the safe route, the party walks slowly and stealthily towards the group patrolling the riverbank, and those lizardfolk sitting amongst the sun by the ruined bridge, that is essentially being used as a basking rock.
  The party is nearly upon them when, for the second time, a horn is sounded, echoing down the path the party had almost walked down, it seems something is pulling their attention away... the party waits for them to leave and carefully crosses the river, jumping across the ruined bridge or wading should they desire. It is not rapids in any way, but footing can sometimes be tricky... continuing up the slope, the party travels pack through the trees, another opening, another ruined building, and another group of lizardfolk are revealed through the mire's branches, but with time being of the essence and the aid of Fimo's invisibility spell, April and the others stealth right by this larger stone building, which is more intact than the temple, but also crawling with lizardfolk archers, lying in wait for ambush. - The session ends with the party finding an offshoot on the way to the next area, the growing risk nudging further insight from April about her father, she will continue no matter what, but Fimo, thinking of her children states her desire to leave, Frolic, being the elf of honor and grace that he is offers to guide her our of the jungle and report back to Alexi about the parties status, task, and to help make preparations for the alliance in Haven Cross.
  Session 2 Feat. GoodWill Kaize Lovas Xanbjorn HunterV
  With two members of their party making their way back down the hillside and back to civilization, the danger of the jungle looms evermore. April is determined though and carries on, the stone stairs carved into the hill feeding eyes upwards towards a ruined temple, to the right there is an offshoot, a smoothed stone path disappearing between an ornately carved archway into a cave.
  Carved into the arch is the depiction of a sun setting into a moon, creating an eclipse, and an explosion of blackened fire erupting from, and down the underside of the arch, onto the floor of the cave beyond. The painting of this black-red pools once reaching the ground and within the tunnel. As the party walked into the tunnel that lay beyond the arch, they saw the ceiling was painted a dark black, absorbing all light, and the walls glimmered with a slight orange hue from fluorescent stones embedded within, this helps the path to glow and the ceiling to darken, making it’s 20ft peak seem much shorter.
  The tunnel opened after about 80ft into a circular room with a much taller ceiling. At it's peak of nearly 120ft, there was a 5ft hole, and the darkness began to thread on the ceiling as it pulled away from this hole, tearing at the walls in a falling spiral until it is completely dissipated by a blank canvas of stone above a sigil. Painted and carved into the floor at the center of the chamber. It is empty inside of the sigil’s circle of everything except for a brazier.
  After reading an edict and... additional note on the wall, the party could not solve the mystery, minds focused on other things perhaps, they leave the cave and make way for the temple further up the hill. The stairs lead to a vast courtyard, and two paths that have long since been caved in, a large path was opposite the party that still seemed traversable, and a pond of water had formed in another corner of the courtyard, but the thing that caught each persons eye was a large stone door that held similar and much more worn markings of what was shown on the archway. Too weathered to get a clear picture, April is at least able to realize that the door finishes the story that the arch is telling - though is unable to determine what that might be.
  Continuing onward into the temple's halls, the party walks past an unsuspecting crocodile - no need to kill a creature of nature if it need not try to harm us. However, the path across the courtyard held some rough terrain, it led to more than one person slipping down it's treacherous tangled vines and skirting water, the corner of the stairway they were apparently walking down broke their fall but took their inability to surprise the den of crocodiles they had just fallen into. The hissing and slipping into of the water set April on edge, but with Hunter V, Xanbjorn, and Goodwill helping, they were able to make quick work of the crocs, plunge into the water below, and find more than a few skeletons in the pool of water. It seems this was meant to be a trap!
  Climbing back up, Hunter V notices the other crocodile is missing, mentions it, but is not given another thought, and the party makes way, the dark of night beginning to fall, back to the cave they had found before, if anything to rest after their long few days of trekking. They all take a look at the edict written on the wall once more, and as April puzzles herself over it's meaning, Goodwill notices the 5ft hole in the rooms ceiling, hidden among it's distant and dark peak, the moonlight shimmers through faintly. Xanbjorn speaks silently to themselves, as if in prayer before giving April a ring, and Hunter V decides that it's time for a smoke. - They flip open their automoton thumb and light up a cigar to puff on, but April can't concentrate and asks them to put it out, so they drop it into the brazier in the chamber, a silent fuufh and a great flame begins to roar, though it's light remains trapped in the caverns walls from all the blackened paint trapping its light. The fire's smoke billows upwards, but suddenly, the moons light kissed the black paint and a thread of violet glows through, down an inverse spiral of the ceiling, and illuminated the sigils on the ground.
  A loud grinding sound is heard in the nearby distance, they dash towards it and find the temple's door opening, a series of stairs, and finally a neatly kept chamber that belonged to April's father. Tenzenin Baenryth. This is evident by a magic mouth spell, that plays for April, as well as a note her father left for her on top of some violet robes and a silver hued stone. Everyone looks around the room and finds no other trace of them being here, but a staircase leads further on, and begs April and Xanbjorn's curiosity, Hunter V makes way for the temple's entrance, keeping an eye on the door, and Goodwill lingers in Tanzenin's chamber.
  April and Xanbjorn find a Star Chamber, opened to the sky, a sort of amphitheater with a pedestal in its center, carved with similar sigils as the other cave. The walls of this large chamber are adorned with all manner of colorful carvings in large stone canvas' that depict a story as it is read by walking the room. Archaic draconic marks the 'plaques' underneath each of their names and need more research for anything in the room to truly make sense for the party, while April walked through in marvel, Hunter V found company in the form of an entire tribe of lizardfolk stopping outside the temple's door.
  In that time in between, however, and unbeknownst to all others, Goodwill made contact with a unique hound of doom. This being of ill omen presented itself when Goodwill's itch began to twinge. Tanzenin, he has some connection with the realm of shadows, and as Goodwill's sorcererous power grows, his new faithful Hound of Ill Omen showed itself as it detected these traces. Goodwill is now aware of their connection to this beast and becomes more aware of their own unique, dark gifts.
  Hunter V reenters the room as Goodwill's hound fades back into darkness, into nothingness, and surprises the Tiefling, the two call for April and Xanbjorn and they make their way downstairs to face the tribefolk. April steps out though, everyone noticing they won't step into the temple, and through some convincing, and some heritage, she was able to convince the lizardfolk leader to parley, and that they mean no harm. The session ends with his decision as a cliffhanger.
  Session 3 Feat. Kaize Lovas , Xanbjorn , Karnz, Elric , and later, GoodWill
  The lizardfolk leader introduces themselves as Warchief Galto after April takes responsibility for the actions of the party. He accepts her surrender, but before her walking out she noticed the hate in his eyes turn to disbelief. Some words in draconic are murmured among the lizardfolk tribal warriors, among them is "The face of the prophet..." The 4 party members are walked downhill, past the ruined building they had snuck past, back through the lush valley and over the stream, the lizardfolk settlement was great indeed.
  Even in the moonlight, they could be seen clearly, the huts made of dragonskin and dragonbone, implements made of all sorts of other creatures, and ruined buildings of the people who lived here before the lizardfolk made up their settlement, with over 60 individual structures, many sizable from their ruinous shape and lizardfolk industry, you surmise this tribe is easily over a couple hundred strong, likely more, and the dour silence of the walk down is met by Galto's voice once more, gruff but clear in common, a collection of 4 of the largest huts coming into view, "The Archshaman Priests will see you now... know that we watched you after you killed those at our entrance, and then saw that you chose to avoid killing others afterwards. You were not hidden as you roamed past our Rider’s Ruin, but we did not see your friends leave. Make sure they don’t share this place with others when you see them next.” and with that, the party reaches the huts and he opens the dragonskin draping of the hut, and beckons the party inside.
  April, whom he was speaking to, promises to let Fimo and Frolic know about not mentioning this place. The others had entered already and Galto's looming presence rivaled that of Xanbjorn. The inside of the large tent is adorned with a dim light that permeates from magical stones affixed to sconces of what appears to be shaped dragonbone that make up the foundation. Into the tent walks three more lizardfolk, they speak to April about their ways, partially in the same archaic draconic she had encountered before. She is able to pick up bits of their dead language, and is able to translate enough of their meaning to the party to understand what they must do.
  These leaders, speak of a "Ritual of Admonishment" for those who are guilty to undertake, that it requires a beast, or series of beasts to be slain as a way to honor their Dragon Deity Kinthear. They speak generally of their own responsibilities as not only Archshaman but also priests of Kinthear's other domains of Life, Death, and that which lies in between, the Grave. Nature is what binds all of these things together and follows their example without fail. The larger the offering from this ritual, they say, the deeper to forgiveness. April asks only two questions, if they are able to call on aide, and what would happen should she refuse?
  To the former, the middle of the three Archshaman Priests, that of the Grave, simply nods and says "Even the truest of hunters on Hanan are able to hunt with aid.", and to the latter, the priest of Death speaks plainly in common for all to hear, thus ending the need for further conversation in April's mind, "The punishment for entering our most sacred site is death... Ensure that your penance is just as sincere as your curiosity." The party is able to stay within the settlement to rest for their coming hunt, and each party member takes this time to do various things.
  April spends the first part of the rest reaching out to Karnz and Elric via her book of shadows, casting sending to them and asking them to help with the hunt, knowing that Winslow is... less than reliable since his release, she knows that Elric and their steel defender, Oko are often looking for magical components and having nothing else to do in Haven's Landing, they agree. Karnz of course was happy to help out, as an embracer of death in all form - a berserker at heart, and newly set up in their fortified base atop Havens' Southern Highlands. The remainder of the rest is spent sleeping, and after waking, April attunes the ring that Xanbjorn gave her and hears Alexia's voice chime into her mind, the so-called prophet of Bahamut. Alexia’s letters had not come in months and it seems April’s fears had, in a way, come true. Xanbjorn feels naked without the ring, but knows he is doing the right thing by placing his trust in The Platinum Warlock.
  Before drifting off to sleep in one of the dragonbone huts, the two party members she sent for meet up along the road and make way towards the outskirts of Murk Mire. They walk near tirelessly, save for an incident near the bridge of unity, wherein some stray light from the Shimmerstone Canyon's walls - the gemstones that adorn it at least, catch Elric's eye and a flash of their past life - forgotten, breaches through. Elric has no memory of the episode but has it described in great clarity to him by Karnz, who had to fend off Oko's fearsome attacks at Elric's command. Elric mends his steel bear, apologizes, and asks that Karnz not share the episode with others, stating it is not the first time this has happened - but shares little else beyond that. The two carry on in silence for a while, and travel the road until reaching the outskirt camp.
  April and the others made it there less than a half-hour prior, with 6 hours of time in the settlement before leaving, she learned that the tribe was known as The Tribe of the Greyscale, and finally realized that their scales were along different types of grey, lighter and darker based on age, the light being younger. Karnz and Elric are in conversation as they walk up to the camp, each party member distracted by their own conversations and tasks, they were nearly ambushed by a pack of dire wolves, scrawny looking but still large, they put up a grueling fight. They exchange pleasantries and catch each other up over a short rest, recovering from their travels and their recent combat.
  They rest until the sun had been in the sky a few hours, eating more of the wolves they had slain the night before. April recollects and tells the others that Warchief Galto had reminded them not to worry about bodies of those that they hunt, The Greyscale being able to return them to their settlement as they've eyes everywhere in the jungle. They will become as part of a great feast to feed the tribe and would never go to waste under the Greyscale's eye. So, they journey into the jungle begins, and familiar and new paths alike are followed searching for larger prey. Snakes falling from trees, quicksand that swallows steel defenders into a deep cavernous sinkhole, and Giant Toad feasting on swarms of insects litter their path, but still none of it felt like enough to offer.
  Karnz reveled in the frenziment and took to some exhaustion after cleaving through several of the toads and even a giant constrictor snake that had somehow snuck up on April! And the many feats of the party in this fight are judged and calculated by another lizardfolk that exits from the treeline as the snake falls dead. His name is Folthar and he speaks plainly with the party, with no reason to lie and scales of a similar shimmer, he asks the party to help him with something, sure that they can handle it after handling themselves and knowing of their reputation.
  Folthar takes them to an outcrop a ways from the path, near a cave and close to the water's edge, the session ends here.
  Session 4 Feat. Kaize Lovas , Xanbjorn , GoodWill , Karnz
  Folthar stands outside the small cave/crevice with the party, it is by the water's edge of a smaller pond, in it's center, a Willow tree. Folthar says to wait there and wades out into the water till it is past his waist. The water slipping off his grey scales and dousing his rudimentary clothing. He walks up to the tree and give it several distinct raps, and a few moments later, a Tortle walks out of the tree, striding into the grove. Folthar introduces the Tortle as Atora, and they are a shaman of these woods, and have been for quite some time the legends go. A wild shaman of the swamp, but they introduce themselves in a common tongue, though a bit choppy. Apologizing for their mispronunciations of which there may have been a few (and equally few snickers from some within the party) they wave hello - the tree they had walked out of, the willow also creaked to life as they were introduced.
  The tree also spoke, a strange tongue that, of course, only April could decipher, being the language expert she is. After a short conversation among Willow, Folthar, and Atora, April would interject and ask them to speak more in common - for the others, clearly understanding their banter. They turn back to the party and, as Folthar promised on the way to this little pond, a threat was shared that might aid them in their Ritual of Admonishment. Folthar and Atora speak of a Crocodile Float/Bask, that had grown in size and ferocity since the Blight subsided in The Murk Mire and it's surrounding forests. They were attacking prey along the river en masse and claiming the lives of other predators being lured by the smell of decay - this is already starting to affect the food chain in the swamp, which already features dragons, and any number of other dark beasties. --- Atora and Willow speak of another threat, one to the East, meandering its way in the direction of the settlement of Portsmouth. Folthar did not know about the array of Shambling Mounds that were leftover from the Black Skull Lizardfolk - who the party had become quite familiar with. Since the Blight's departure, the Black Skulls have also seemingly departed from their treetop strongholds, but their dark plant prisoners continue to spread. The party decided to handle the Shambling Mounds first, Karnz stating that the Crocs would likely not stray from their territory - knowing of the similarities between them and Alligators, and having encountered plenty of them along the sandy rivers of the Isle of Tanna. Atora nods and prepares a spell, you talk amongst yourselves about a strategy to split into two groups and attack at range and at not with each group having a Barbarian and a Spellcaster, Folthar hears, nodding, and offers his help as one of Kinthear's devout. Atora finishes their spell honing in on the plant creatures with a Locate Animals or Plants, and gives Folthar the information gleaned. Further to the East than anticipated, the walk would be a bit longer, but Folthar would lead you through the jungle effortlessly, the color of nature returning slower here than in The Feylight.
  Atop a small hill you stand, three of the Shambling Mounds make their way across the marshy forest floor, a larger clearing can be seen beyond them, to the distance behind them are nearly a dozen more. One was already resting within the clearing. Curious, but it mattered little as they ready their plan. Suddenly, Goodwill has an idea of complete brilliance, he utters the phrase, "Rivers of Time, run freely through them." and dual casts Haste on the Barbarians who then almost appear beside the mounds as in a single blink, Karnz was able to clear nigh 100ft in that moment, and readied their Greataxe. --- That battle that ensued was medium at best despite how deadly it may have seemed even a few months ago as the Blight was rearing it's head. The raging duo of Barbarians with additional strikes couldn't have had anything to do with that.
  Folthar summoned his Giant Lizard Familiar, and took on one of the plants alone, confident and not misplaced in their abilities they manage to stay it's attention long enough for the other two to be dispatched. Karnz would swing his axe wildly and with ferocity fitting of a follower of Zaltec - The Jaguar Lord of Death; April and Goodwill would send volleys of Eldritch Blast and April would add in and occasional radiant spell here and there; Xanbjorn would be engulfed by one of the plants briefly, but their Bear-Like Totem Rage would continue, and with the might of a bear, they would cast off the plant and be joined by Karnz in the final blows of it's putrefying existence. Xanbjorn would help finish of the Mound that Folthar was engaged with, and victory would be secured!
  Alas, this would not be true, a few moments pass, a few more, the stillness betrays them, the silence a myth. A violent rumbling is heard, felt, seen, briefly. Then a moment of silence again until a great burst of earth and soil would shower over the part that was still near the clearing. As the dust settled, you all saw it, tendrils climbing up from the ground forming it's shape, grabbing bodies from the earth and... pulling them into itself. A Corpse Flower. The smell is what was felt next, a wave of stink that only grew as the party saddled up for round two. The creature was not like the others, it towered over everyone, and sought them out, almost, the movement, the life force, provoking ire. --- Xanbjorn would be trampled nearly, but as the great weight of the Haven Island Adventurers would mount atop the creature, Goodwill would feel his hound of ill omen biting at his heels and release it into the world. The party was cleaving through the creature, it's essence dropping with each mighty blow. The Flower's tendrils would reach into itself and pull out a corpse or two, devouring one, and zombifying the other, another of it's tendrils would assail the party and grab more bodies as well. Goodwill, however would line up a shot and cast Lightning Bolt, it's essence would be charged from that attack, and Folthar would cast his Green Faerie Fire to envelop the Corpse Flower and the zombies it would make from it's vile form. This mystical light allowed Karnz to bring the plant right back down to where it had been and the rapture continued for Karnz. None would be affected by it's stench of death, but Karnz would nearly fall from it's poisonous tentacles in their fury. In the end, the party prevailed, and Folthar raced back towards the grove, following the same path and leaving plenty of tracks for the others to follow.
  Back at Willow's Grove, Folthar is finishing up his explanation of what occurred, the party added in their thoughts... Willow would thank them with a few gifts for dealing with the Shambling Mounds, scouting how many were there, and doing so despite being under trial and under a time limit of sorts.
  The Session would end here, with a 6 hour long rest, and an understanding that Atora spent your time away casting Commune with Nature to discover that the croc in question was indeed quite large and would serve as your final challenge to send to Kinthear's Grave. Folthar and Atora both would also cast Animal Messenger, Folthar's would go to Chief Galto, and Atora's would be sent to the NE sending others to deal with the remaining Mounds.
  Session 5 Haven Island Renewed Black Skulls, Blacker Hearts Part 1 Finale
  Atora's Commune with Nature bore results, and both them and Folthar's Animal Messengers would scamper off to their various directions, Atora would send a couple, but the Croc was here and it was indeed Giant. Folthar relayed this and more to Warchief Galto back at the village, and as the the party's rest was coming to it's final hours, a small regiment of Lizardfolk Greyscale and none other than their Archshaman Priest of Life, who would have private words with Folthar and Atora. Looking at them from a distance as they spoke, Folthar seemed to become more rigid. Like something he was just told changed something, but everyone shrugged it off, focusing themselves for the upcoming hunt, or only glancing over to see that the three were speaking.
  Thanks to Atora, the Giant Croc's exact location became known, and as the party stalked through the Murk Mire things were eerily quiet except for the occasional screeching of a distant roar. At first too far to discern, but as it got closer, Hunter V would recognize it as a Dragon. The Giant Croc was soaking in a great flooded valley. Trees and plantlife and who knows what else laying beneath the water's surface for years past, man smaller crocs surrounding it. Atora would only buff folks from afar, remaining in the grove, and Folthar would wild shape into a Croc himself to get closer - a ridge overlooked the flooded valley, a makeshift waterfall from the semi-brackish river crashing below. Several folks would arrange on the top of this ridge, ready to jump down the 10 ft drop to enter the fray if need be, but below hosted the Archshaman Priest of Life, who would Fly above the Giant Croc and help to put it down.
  The screeching grew nearer as the Giant Croc's own screech emanated through the swamp-like jungle in it's death throe. A crashing, earth-shaking, Hunter V would see them first atop the ridge. A Hydra!
  Scrambling to get down and prepare themselves before the Hydra got close enough, they would stand below the ridge and only hear it's screeching train-like momentum barrel through the jungle. Crashing, aching trees falling in it's wake and though they could not see it, as they jumped down so quickly, a few beams of magical energy sparking from it's many... 7 heads! Only The Archshaman would see it directly, still flying above and in front of where the waterfall would rest, where the jetstream of water flourished the air as the Hydra's many heads all honed in on the flying Lizardfolk.
  In an instant, a blink to miss it sort of moment, it was there, crashing over the ridge and chomping 7 ferocious heads at the Archshaman before cannonballing into the wake below. Already on the ground, having expended their Javelins with the Croc and waiting for an opportune time to strike, Karnz, Elric, and all other relying on melee would wait. The Archshaman of Life would concentrate their magical energy into the elements of Winter next, and a well timed and angled Cone of Cold would then create a bridge for the melee fighters to trek across and assault the Hydra.
  Batteries of ranged spells and crossbow bolts, buffet the many heads, blades, and axes, and metallic maws strike from in front, and the wave of threat is too great for the Hydra to bear for long. It's magical energies would not coalesce easily and after it finally could shoot out it's elemental bursts of what look like draconic energy, the party would fight all the harder. In the end, it had over 13 heads, it began to press to shore, and fought with a ferocity of a cornered dying animal from the start. So primal. So majestic. So final.
  The session starts the moment the Hydra dies in the Flooded Valley's "Sunken Tree Basin". Katie will start as April for the session, then we will get into Michael's side quest and she will play someone else.
Report Date
19 Oct 2024


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