Ikol The Rock Gnome

Played by Hannah
  A third level Artificer from Brazenbase whose life as an Outlander had taken them to Boardwalk seeking a journey outside of the norm. Chaotic Good in nature, they joined the other Adventurer's in Boardwalk to become first, as an actor or musician, and second, as fate would have it, a fellow in the throws of a quest of love and vengeance.
  Unfortunately, they died from a Kuo-Toa surprise attack on the NE edge of Kalthorne, in the small hamlet of Jute's Landing before really finding a footing as an adventurer. Twas their first session among The Islands, and though their tale was short, fate is not kind to all who brave The Islands.
  May Ikol The Rock Gnome find peace on the shores of Kalthorne.


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