
Spirits of The Several Seas, or simply, Spirits, is a Water Genasi Mixologist with a sorted and timed past as a privateer, smuggler, and captain against The Burning Wave and other seafarers and folk that take advantage of others. She is the owner of Spirit's Spirits, the bar within The Auburn Crustacean and manager of the darker parts of a heroes journey when alternative means must be explored.
  Dockmaster of AC occasionally helps Spirits lead the bar, but mostly handles the smuggling dens within The Auburn Crustacean, and the black market with several avenues of delivery based upon the clients needs. Though the clients are not expected to be pure of heart, Spirits keeps a strict code that no children are harmed and only those that abuse their power in some way are made targets - vetting targets with her own network of smuggler/spies before allowing purchases.
  Is a good friend of Captain Remi "The Falcon" Falco as they both left The Burning Wave at the same time, along with some others.


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