The Dead and The Undying Part II - Character Quest

General Summary

In Session
  Pre-Quest: Downtime, Rewards, Role-Play, and Lore Drops
  The Hydra now slain, the party would rejoice in quiet panic. Heart's still racing as the screeching beast comes to a halt, it's death would erupt a great prismatic burst of energy. Magical energy permeating the Flooded Valley, and would extend out along all of The Murk Mire. The energy and light that had been seen in The Feylight Forest while slow could visibly be seen saturating the nature of The Murk Mire now, color returning ever so slightly as it's watched. Folthar and the Archshaman of Life proclaim in glorious exaltation the magnificence of the visible Draconic Energy and Folthar begins to tie a grappling hook to pull the great beast and the giant croc to shore for harvest. The Hydra is cut from the nape of it's 13 necks to the bottom of it's belly and though from an extradimensional space, out comes the Greyscaled Corpse of a fully grown Ancient Dragon.
  Carving the Hydra to bits to be hauled by the now arriving Lizardfolk Riders, the dragon's corpse was dragged through the Mire in it's entirety. The party would ride back to the Greyscale Village from a sort of transportation module that one of the Giant Lizard would drag behind them, just as many of the others would haul the Greyscale Dragon, and the Draconic Hydra that contained it within it's gullet. On the ride back the party hears a bit about Kinthear, but more details come later at the feast the next day.
  Upon arriving back to camp, the carvings and corpses would be pulled to a cavern behind the Archshaman Huts, and each party member is now forgiven for their trespass on the ancient lands. They are even placed in one of the Hunter's tents, greatly decorated and spacious, each of the party members are able to walk around the village as folk heroes of a sort now, and find different ways to participate and honor the culture before resting or going into Sentry Mode. The feast the next day would be as grand as the hunt itself with music and smells and all manner of gifts for the party. Namely that of a Dragonbone Weapon (discuss with me if you were not present), and a ceremonial tattoo of ink made with Dragon's Blood that is exempt from Attunement but can wear out over time - the time is different for each person, and the tattoo decides which form to take when applied based on the essence of each character. Some other unique gifts were provided, but in the end, the feast over, April would remain to study the ruins and culture a few more days.
  Until then, Elric and the others would leave for Brazenbase, the supply town at the base of the Dwarven Mountain. The last semblance of civilization before climbing the rocky peaks, the party aimed to reach there by nightfall, then finish their journey up the mountain early the next day. Along the path, they would stop by Haven Cross though it seemed that all of the usual suspects were otherwise occupied, so just a quick breather before continuing. They make it across a handful of starving peasants attacking a Gnome's Hut for money or food or... something. Goodwill was able to convince the lot of them to leave and not only gave them each some gold to get started, but mended and cleaned their clothes with cantrips. Elric even sent them towards the Feylight Guardians in Haven Cross, as a few party members were founders, Elric said to mention them to Nathaniel and they should find work whether as adventurers or guards of the town.
  Haven Island Renewed. The Dead and The Undying Part 2: The Chapel of Culling Revisited, The Missing Month Realized. Feat: Goodwill, Xanbjorn, Karnz, and side quest character, Kaize.
  Goodwill, Elric, and all others save for April would reach the crossroad splitting North and South. Elric would walk North as intended, but a pang of discomfort would race up Goodwill's spine. A scratching, gripping itch would ordain ill omen, and so Goodwill's dog would flash in his sight for a moment. Goodwill asked for some aid for a few hours and that they would still make it up before morning to Brazenbase. Xanbjorn and Karnz would join, Hunter V would go with Elric and the two would discuss things that only two Warforged really could.
  Goodwill and the duo of Barbarians would travel South and East aways until a worn, but familiar dirt road emerges into view. Goodwill begins to descend towards the ground as if collapsing and to him, Time Stops. 4 bursts of energies arise in front of him, each similar but not at the same time, each a differing color and radiance. No matter where their sight turned, these energies would follow, always just outside of their vision but in full view. Goodwill assesses the orbs and shadows and finally selects one, the plain dark shadow, and it becomes one with him, time starting once more, a loud wincing pain would echo and his collapse would finally complete.
  When he comes to, Kaize is there with them, she was outside the Chapel down the road. As they talked, they would all walk towards the chapel and encounter what was known as a Skulk. It was a creature formed from being lost in The Shadowfell, and would often take the shape of those it has killed, or even that of the person who summons it for a period of 30 days as if a familiar - it looked like Goodwill and would respond to his commands, visible to all with Goodwill's Lantern of Revealing - though Goodwill knew no such spell. --- He wondered for a moment if the Skulk had been waiting there, or if it had been with him all this month, for he had yet to turn his lantern on these last few days since coming to outside of Haven's Landing. The thought was fleeting though.
  As different points of the chapel are reached, different temporal choices like the time stop moment would happen, the same energies emerging. They would take on more defined shapes each instance, and in time, Goodwill would come to realize each of their representations - Levistus, the Frozen Archduke of the 5th layer of the 9 Hells; The Raven Queen of the Shadowfell; Vecna, the Archlich and Master of The Spider Throne; and himself, a past version of him from some unknown time. He made his choice each time they emerged, and though they are removed, his memories would come back a little more with each choice. A little more of the recent past, and that of the more distant past, but the order could not be trusted.
  In the end, in the Chapel's final chamber, a great battle between Devils of Levistus, Undead of Vecna, and the party therein would end with Goodwill's hound of Ill Omen tearing the rotting throat of the Deathlock Wight out, and the Devils falling back into a portal that sat in those Chapel's Depths. Standing there over where the portal had appeared and vanished, Kaize would describe in more detail than usual information about the forces at hand, and that the portal was connected to a Shadowlock, meaning that it could be used to walk along a demiplane between The Shadowfell and another plane. Many pieces of the puzzle in a jumbled order, memories, and implications, and truths forgotten... Goodwill and Kaize begin to make a plan of returning to places the Chapel indicated were connected to it - having no memory of visiting any of them. --- Just them, the Skulk that had been with them would begin to shake and scream in agony, the many different energies that Goodwill did not select begin to race into it's shape, coming through walls and ceiling and the floor. The sound was horrifying, but allowed all to ready themselves for another conflict. It's shape begins to shift, changing into a grotesque Sorrowsworn, one of The Lost, in name and form. So many broken and lost versions of self collapsing upon one another.
  It's bones cracking and shifting it stands tall, and an aura of anguish would begin to expel from it's form. It dissipates into the shadows of the room, emerging behind Xanbjorn and grabbing him with the element of surprise. The damage is crippling, crushing the air out of them as if a great bear was hugging them, but something else, a psychic dissonance of that anguish and grief and all that which one feels when they don't know their way would sting their mental self, and they would plummet to the ground, collapsing in a single blow.
  The Lost's Eyes meet Goodwill across the sigil-covered floor, large and sorrowful, Goodwill tries to look away, but the monstrosity is already upon him, dancing through the shadow. He turns around only to meet it's gaze once more, but to no effect, it's arms grip his personage in a deafening moment of silence, the shock of such surprise ringing his ears with adrenaline. The arms collapse around him and the creature dissipates into him, Karnz and Kaize are left standing there, with Xanbjorn in a psychicly inflicted dying state, and Goodwill catatonic on the floor Raven-Shaped Dread Helm eyes still burning red as coal.
  The Session Ends here with some space at the beginning of the next session to tie the bow with RP and perhaps a reward or two.
Report Date
17 Sep 2022


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