Whitemoore Burg Arc - Intro Quest

General Summary

Goodwill is "Fine"

The evening had taken it's toll on Goodwill and those that found themselves alongside him in the Chapel of Culling's depths. The Lost had just entered Goodwill's being and as soon as his body began to collapse to the floor, Kaize Lovas was there to tend to him, like a spark hidden amongst shadow, as well as his grinning hound. Karnz of the Zemekians looked to Xanbjorn , and potions are used to stabilize them both before they are then dragged away. The Shadowgate warbles to a definitive close in the peripheral of their hearing. CLICK.   Consciousness comes in waves as Goodwill is dragged by Kaize up through the catacombs of the Chapel, and a hazy figure, not unlike the others that had emerged in his slow time states. As the purple-violet smoke shrouds him a calm, deep voice speaks out to him from within the haze, telling him, speaking into his mind, that the selves within will be quelled and for him to be calm... as death does not have to mean doom. He feels a steadiness within that he's not felt since he was a young child, so long ago it felt like a dream. When Goodwill and Xanbjorn come to, they are outside the Chapel, and Karnz is arguing with Kaize about leaving before things get worse. Xanbjorn recovers some strength and joins Karnz on their trek back to the cave near Haven's Landing - lifting up the other half of the Draconic Hydra head that they had been carrying since the Tribe of The Greyscale's village. Kaize walks over to Goodwill, helps him up, and says that it's time to go.

Meanwhile, a New Adventurer Enters the Frame

As Goodwill and company leave Haven Cross in the early afternoon to make way for Brazenbase, so Elric can do some shopping in the Dwarven capital just further up, a new story begins to come into view. A paladin by the name of Finn is heading to Haven Cross with some wards, a bounty hunter by trade, he takes contracts that will help the little guy more often than not, and finds promising results with missing persons investigations - this recent bounty, searching for a lover that disappeared in the night. She was but one of the four that was found shackled up in a small pirate camp just West of the The Auburn Crustacean.   The Burning Wave had recently begun spreading inland, through the Stillwater Lowlands, but no one in the party knows why. Finn had caught wind of this bounty in Boardwalk, but the 'lover' requested not to return, so Finn went to Haven Cross instead, and promised to take her and the others further if they wished, but he would need a day of rest, so they would stay there a day or so. It was later, evening now, as Finn and his wards sat in the Drunken Horse Inn, enjoying some of Ulumpha Kjanidush food and drink, delivered by her son Hjomir Kjanidush and her daughter Hilda Kjanidush-Prayslee plays music, filling the room with quiet delight, as always. As he sat there, in the corner, keeping an eye for the pirates or others, the door swung open with a resounding bang. His attention turned to see an unassuming half-elf with dusky skin and platinum blonde hair enter. Some hand motions and snaps from the barkeep, and heads turning to see her, the patrons murmur, and Finn asks his wards who she might be.   They tell Finn that she is April Airlez, and that her and her fellows are well-known heroes of these parts. Without them, the blight would have surely taken over the Feylight Forest and it's lingering threat wouldn't be handled by those connected to them, though the wards only know of the blight that led to the creation of Haven Cross' Feylight Guardians guild, for heroes and those who wish to serve the meek of the island from this centralized location. April was a founding member, along with many of her fellows, and Haven Cross' leader, Nathaniel Haven. The rumor mill churns out this and more and Finn begins to understand, though he does not approach, seeing she is enthralled in her work.   Likewise, April sits there, studiously, and both see each other, but both wait until last call to converse, and April makes the first move. The two introduce themselves and chat for a time. The barkeep begins to flip chairs, and Finn helps as April packs her things. They agree to meet up again in the morning and join each other on the next leg of the journey as Finn decides to drop the wards off at Brazenbase where April is headed. The next day... Finn notices a bounty in Haven Cross, on the board outside the Guardian's Headquarters, as April steps inside to catch up with Nathaniel and Samuel. Finn notates the details of this missing persons case in Whitemoore Burg, and he and his wards enter to be introduced to the leaders by April. He is vouched for and joins as a 2nd tier member, but not much face time is granted as the next meeting begins and they've need to get back on the road. So they do.

The Three Venture East, South, and West

The trip from Haven Cross to Brazenbase is pleasant, and the great orange glare simmers the sky with incandescent brilliance. Early morning to early afternoon, they make it to Brazenbase, with nothing more than emptied waterskins. As they refill their canteens downstairs, a creaking is heard coming from above. The barkeep says they've also an Inn upstairs, and thats just a patron that came in *late* last night. It's Goodwill of course, and as he finished his descent down the stairs he is greeted by April and this... stranger. April is excited to see him, they talk and catch up, but Goodwill is vague with her, and Finn introduces himself. They grab a meal for lunch, then Goodwill and April go to head up the hill, with Finn outside and nearby, ready to head out on his own again, but then he hears the gate to Brazenthrone is closed with both of them nearby and sees April walk over to a stump to start doing her ritual sending spell, so he lingers near Goodwill. They chat for those ten minutes until April comes back over, and says “Well, what do we do now!” Finn suggests the bounty in Whitemoore Burg.   They agree and decide to walk SW, the longer route, but safer, with not that much time crunching them with the rebellion beginning in 6 days time. They travel past Nifiz The Gnome Alchemist , some potions are purchased by Finn and April and thanks are given to Goodwill for the solution with the ruffians before, and the journey continues to the AC. Once arriving, they conduct a long rest and share a pleasant conversation with Lucius Maximus, mending of weapons in Elric's Eclectics, and more, then the party leaves, around Midday the next day, well rested, informed about the pirates' crawl from the West (that it's not just on the outskirts), and ready for whatever may come next.   The walk along the Alabaster Shore was breathtaking as it usually was. The sunset at your back lit the sky with refractions of light, beauty incarnated in swathes of pink and orange, but the deep purple to the West... was almost as if storm clouds tricked into being calm, was the most brilliant. The shore continued and the colors of the sky projected tinted puppets of shadow onto it's pale sand-strewn beach. As the hillside climbed, a couple plumes of smoke would rise over as well. Whitemoore Burg was a large town, but had a small amount of industry that was far different from the Arcanry found in Gleamgael. Trade is a key component of it's commerce, but their town's two factories generate steam, clean water, and pressurize water pipes, though only in the Burg. These thin plumes were the results of such industry.   The hill climbs to a plateau, where a palisaded wall of sharpened birch trees stand at a distance, behind and imposing above that would be a castle, a once old fort turned into Keep. The road then splits, straight continued on to Gleamgael, but the Southern road would take the party down the short trail to the portside town of Whitemoore Burg, where it's large gate would be agape alongside the castles structure. The party walked in, to see that there were no guards despite them arriving during the early evening!   Finn especially thought this strange, and commented that it was a surprise they hadn't been taken over by the pirates yet, but just within a contingent of guards wandered. On the other side of the Keep, the wall was stone, different from the castle, but protruding from it all the same as the wooden wall was. This stone wall stretched to the East, and seemed to reach all the way to the base of a small mountain atop the hill. Inside the gate, the Burg was present with sturdy buildings of modern design, paneled windows, and industrious people about. They all walked down the road together with haste and worry, something was definitely going on, so the party trudged to the nearest Tavern.

Eagle & Drake Tavern w/Hattie & Barnabus, then The Dredges

The Tavern was hosted by a young woman, red hair, freckles, and energy that the building was struggling to keep quiet. Hattie Nottingham was her name, and she was accompanied by what you all thought to be a brooch at first until it began moving and she began cooing to it like a baby - a blue beetle named Barnabus. April is able to identify the beetle as a Banix Beetle while Finn engages Hattie in conversation. The party learns that her father is in prison, her mother is ill, and her younger brother lives upstairs as a dependent. Hattie is no older than 18, also manages this business in addition to all this drama she unloads on Finn, and lets slip that she has been thinking about poisoning her family to be rid of their burden. Goodwill interjects with jokes where he can, little cracks of sarcastic trauma, but Hattie really just needs a break, like... a few hours and she would be fine. The party agrees if she leaves the poisons behind and makes it back by around 3 hours, she agrees, and Goodwill takes hold of the vials to test it's effects later, though April seemed to indicate that they are known for paralyzing their prey before devouring them whole - the Banix Beetles, that is.   In truth, Finn only agrees to watch the bar because they were waiting for the constable to arrive, Hattie was certain that "The Guppy" would be present before the eve's end, as he often came here for a few pints before turning in for the night (occasionally a midday break too). Finn tended the bar for the few patrons that entered, and Goodwill acted as janitor, making the tables sparkle with Prestidigitations magic, while April tended to her notes and served as a watchful eye while also reaching out to her Sending contacts to not only see if others could help, but keep them and herself informed. Xanbjorn and Hunter V-800M Placeholder responded that they were on the way to aid, but Hunter V was too far for them to wait. Though, they would come anyhow, having seen the same bounty in Haven Cross where they retired to after settling matters in Brazenthrone, though they were now at the Auburn Crustacean. Xanbjorn, however, could be there in a few hours, so off went from Karnz' camp, where he was enjoying time with the new catfolk companion.   Hattie arrived back to the tavern nearly too late, but just before Grindlethorpe "The Guppy" Thistlespine did and was in the middle of regaling the party with her stormy walk along the shore that was sunny at the start. The constable was a Gnome, a tall Gnome, in medium armor, gleaming with stories of old cases embroidered into the metal as much as the leather. He is joined by another man, by the name of Tarek Harborlan who greets you outsiders with rudeness until The Guppy calms him. Mind turned, he accepts that having some outside help would likely be the thing that cracks the case.   The conversation between the party, these two, and Hattie carries on, and Hattie heavily implies she wishes to be rid of the bar more than once, yet again. So, Finn offers to purchase the tavern, and even offers to care for her mom and younger brother upstairs. The party agrees to look into this matter, some for the promise of the Constable's discretionary fund, others because it is the right thing to do.   The people missing all come from the poorest part of the city, The Dredges, and so too does Tarek, he asked to be a part of the investigation because friends of his are missing, and even children. Whole households systematically snatched up, but in no apparent order, just... in the Dredges where the elite could only spare a single Constable about to retire, from the Gnome town below ground at the end of the trade wall. This was just part of Tarek's rant as you followed him down to the peninsular part of town nestled between an artificially made bay to the North, named after the city, and the silver sea to the South. If not for the condition of the squalor, the place would be a sight to behold. He takes you to the house where the last person had gone missing, and you gather clues where you can, but there is not much, signs that folks left in a hurry and things of the like, but just then, a scream is heard!  

Black-Hooded Were-Cultists Were Here

  You all race towards the sounds, Finn dashing in first, and find yourselves in front of not only a fresh corpse downstairs, but also a contingency of robed figures upstairs with a hostage, ready to lay waste to an innocent, and the rest of you. Xanbjorn had made it to Whitemoore Burg nearly ten minutes prior, rushed into the Eagle and Drake, and implored the Guppy to point the way, and off they went towards the Dredges. They got to the same neighborhood as the scream is heard as as all else fight the robed figures upstairs, a few couple remain downstairs, and are caught by surprise by a full-throttled Xanbjorn as they were trying to head upstairs. He, and his newly obtained draconic longsword began to cut swathes out of them, and he pressed upstairs, certain that April would need aid, but they would find their way to Tarek instead, and help him avoid the worst of the cultists attacks by making quick work of them.   As Finn's holy power was set ablaze in a serene rage, Blessing his fellows with a similar will, the others upstairs let forth their array of spells. Hiding around corners, and each able to bring forth divine power, something was actually empowering these cultists! This thought did not cross anyone's mind as the cultists draw ichorous, oozing blades and begin to assail the Adventurers with them. As the blades strike, they don't pierce as much as suffuse into and around where the wound would be. Many of these strikes are made, but as the first wielder of such a blade is felled, the ichorous blade dissipates as well, before the clattering of it's hilt is even done. Finn's divine power swelled and drained, he calls forth the flames of his holy oil blade.   Goodwill had cast several spells, minute metors of mayhem, icy armor misting over his person, and even let loose several charges of his Magical Missile wand, but the innocent was being taken, dragged out of bed, out the window... everyone else was too occupied or couldn't see, so he pulled out a different wand. The branch of the Willow Treant emanated with a powerful nature magic that Goodwill was unfamilier with, but he knew how to use it, Willow had told him the Sylvan words that would use it's inner power. As he points out the branch, and speaks the phrase, "Stones of creation, fly like hailfall." Suddenly, there is a shift, a stillness as a singular stone forms from nothing, particulates of dust and other bits in the room flitting towards it and forming a few others, they stillness ends as the stones multiply, hundreds, a peppershot of stones barrages the room after the others climb out the window, those within are stunned and fall flat from concoussions or worse. Goodwill races across the room and gives chase to the kidnappers, softening his jump from the second story with the body of a cultist that was knocked out the window from his Cone of Stones. His final gift to those kidnappers, a Twin Casted Crown of Madness, one is afflicted, and the the other is killed by the one driven Mad.   April had sent out healing light a few times during the fight, and enervated her foes with Eldritch Blasts as well as the magical fire housed within her circlet, but she was most happy to see Xanbjorn able to arrive up the stairs and be of assistance. After Finn finished off the remainders upstairs that had been stunned and knocked over, he turned off his flameblade, and looked to the corpses for clues and loot. April, Tarek, and Xanbjorn go downstairs and Goodwill enters the house with the now freed hostage, and still-charmed cultist. Finn concludes his investigation with April's help after she sets up an Alarm spell, ensuring that no others would get the jump on them while they finished their business here. They find gold and some clues, but the cultist downstairs would talk in earnest to Goodwill and Finn as they interrogated him without effort. Once it was all done, and the Crown of Madness had worn away, the cultist immediately went for their dagger, and slit their throat, gurgling the words, "As They bleed, we offer our blood in return." as their finality quickly fades in.   The cultist had told the group of a warehouse named Tawlney's, run by a man of the same name, who Tarek admits is known to be less than savory. He offers to take Etrenia back to the tavern, and keep watch of her until you return, as she was really shaken up about the gruesome murder of her husband, who was still lying in the kitchen from before the fight. Distraught, she needed console and Finn gave her the solace she needed in the moment, but it would take time to come back to the present. You all agree that Tarek should take her to a safe place, and begin to head out to the warehouse when you see Hunter V approaching with swiftness, yet grace. You catch him up on what has happened, and all make your way to the warehouse as night swiftly comes, reaching it around dusk, as it is on the other side of the Dredges and you are keeping an eye out for others. Once arriving, you notice a few shadows inside, and an extremely rusted shut chain and lock combo. Finn assess the door and whispers that he thinks he can break it, and, without hesitation, April has the idea to cast Hypnotic Pattern. She is certain that it's magic has succumbed those on the other side into a daze-like state, and says, "Now.", plainly. Finn charges at the door with gusto, but to no avail, the door is shut fast and won't budge from the rusted chains. Xanbjorn steps up as well, and the two charge together, crushing the door beneath their shoulders and heels to find that the three shadows on the other side of the door are indeed dazed beyond awareness.   You split up, looking for... something, but not sure what, each looking in different areas of the warehouse with the sands of time running out before the cultists wake. It doesn't take long though, as most things in the warehouse are decrepit and rotting, *most*. There was one crate, pristine by compare, that had a single, lit, lantern atop it, just flickering on low waiting for a slight breeze from through the slats of wood to edge it out of existence. It was upstairs, but when they all reach it and look within, they see a tunnel inside. Where it will lead, who knows, but the answer to the missing persons definitely lies within. You each take turns climbing down the dugout stairs that descends into the tunnel, and this is where we will start the next session.

Feat Players:

April Airlez, Urkall "Goodwill" Neekrath Placeholder, Finn O'Malley.
Report Date
02 May 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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