Baldurs Gate

Baldur's Gate, the center of all trade on the Sword Coast. When I was a lad, Baldur's Gate was the largest city on the Sword Coast. Originally a harbor used by pirates, the City quickly grew after the initial residents put up a wall around the city. It's natural harbor and central location have lead to Baldur's Gate becoming the center of all trade along the coast, meanwhile the river Chionthar links it to the lands to the East. Unfortunately for the city, it has always struggled to stamp out the piracy and smuggling that has remained since the city's founding. Additionally, the city saw many residents flee a mere 12 years ago when an avatar of Bhaal, the god of murder, awoke in the city and rampaged through. All that being said, if you avoid strolling through the slums at night, you should be perfectly safe within the walls of Baldur's Gate.


Since its famous tax revolt, Baldur's Gate was ruled by four Grand Dukes, whose membership composed the Council of Four.[4][2] They were elected by the citizens to serve for life or until they wished to retire. The Council served as a member of the Lords' Alliance, which included Waterdeep and Silverymoon, among other nation-states.[8] After an attempted coup by former Grand Duke Valarken, Baldur's Gate's government underwent a major restructure and the newly-created Baldurian parliament elected the Dukes. For a time the city was ruled by Grand Duke Portyr at the behest of parliament.[9][29]   This changed again however, sometime before 1479 DR, as the Council of Four was reinstated. They were still aided by the Parliament of Peers, who continued to serve as their electors as well as a legislative body. These 50 or so influential Baldurians met to discuss city matters and made recommendations to the council.[29][13]   City Officers The Council of Four were served by five deputies, city officials that oversaw their subordinate bureaucrats and maintained the daily needs of Baldur's Gate. Their titles and responsibilities were as follows:[30]   Harbormaster: Managed operations of the Gray Harbor, assigned tariffs and taxes on imported goods,[31] and maintained the records of all goods shipped in or out of the city[32] High Constable and Master of Walls: Castellan of the Watch Citadel[30] Master of Drains and Underways: Maintained operations of the city's drains, sewers,[33] waterways and aqueducts[34] Master of Cobbles: Oversaw construction and maintenance of all city roads, bridges and non-water-related, stone infrastructure[33] Purse Master: Collected taxes, invested city funds, directed payment to city officials,[33] and oversaw the Bailiff of the Wide[35]
Geopolitical, City-state


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