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Path of Enlightenment

The Path of Enlightenment was based on a written code of behavior and beliefs believed to have been created by the Celestial Emperor in order that the mortal world and the Celestial Heaven mirror one another in the process of attaining perfection. In summary, the Path encouraged people to obey their superiors; to owe fealty to their lords; and to venerate the past, ancestors, former emperors, and the priests who taught and preserved the Path. Past generations were treated as guardians of the Path. Rather conveniently for those in power, it was an easy way for ruling dynasties to gain people's loyalty. It especially benefited the imperial families of Shou Lung, making the Shou emperor as important as the Celestial Emperor himself. By the Path, the Emperor of Shou Lung was deified after death and granted a new secret name (typically that of an animal).         The Celestial Emperor  ordered the Nine Immortals of the Celestial Empire to each take responsibility for one of the nine cardinal virtues of the Path, and to go among mortals to teach these virtues through example. These core virtues are Artistry, Compassion, Courage, Fidelity, Honor, Karma, Love, Respect for Tradition, and Scholarship. According to legend, the Celestial Emperor  also inscribed the teachings on the Cliffs of Tanghai, so the people would be reminded of his will for all time.

Mythology & Lore

When humankind first arose from the dust of the Red Earth—the land of Kara-Tur—they were savage, argumentative, and belligerent. The Celestial Emperor disapproved, and wished for their lives to be a reflection of Heaven, to follow his Path of Enlightenment. To this end, he sent to the Red Earth his emissaries, the Nine Immortals, who would each teach one aspect of the Path and serve as the first emperors of Shou Lung.   According to legend, it was also believed that the Celestial Emperor caused red-hued lighting to rain from the heavens and blast the words of the Path into the face of the Cliffs of Tanghai  in Shou Year 440, in order that mortals be reminded of his will for all time. Old histories recorded that the firestorm was visible across Kara-Tur and the skies seemed alight, even to bubble like boiling blood, but no people or plants beside the Hungtse River were harmed.

Tenets of Faith

"Honor that which has gone before you. For the past is eternal."   "Honor and respect your Elders and the Ancestors. Show honor in word, thought, action, and deed."   "Speak not false words, nor engage in false deeds, for these are not li."   "Do honor to he who rules you, for the Earth is the Mirror of Heaven, and the Son of Heaven is the mirror of the Celestial One. Be obedient to your lord."   "Engage in no base thing, nor commit murder, for to strike another in the name of anger is not li."   "Do honor to those you must rule, for under the eye of Heaven, they are your equals. Be fair to those you rule."   "Know that all things are One under Heaven, even the lowliest of creatures."


Priests of the Path of Enlightenment, that is, those who guard and teach it are called "Receivers of Guidance" or Shou-ling.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests, Monks, and Abbots of the Path of Enlightenment are granted power from the Nine Immortals .


Despite this single origin and a doctrine literally set in stone, countless interpretations were made of these rules and there were innumerable directions to follow on the Path. It was said that the way of a monk on the Path was narrow, yet contained many branches before coming to its destination. The differing interpretations provoked dissension and heated debate among the priests, who frequently mustered temple armies of monks and sohei to wipe out those they claimed to be heretics of the faith, leading to bloody fights in the streets of many cities of Shou Lung.
Religious, Pantheon

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