Amir Sharif Character in The | World Anvil
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Amir Sharif

Amir is currently finding out information about the arcane contraption below the town that is powered by the Kraken seal.

Chained Warlock

Amir Sharif grew up in the dry desert town of Ebnona in the eastern parts of Jarrenvale. His family was poor, which meant him and his sister went unsupervised in the town often. As they grew older they began running with other streets kids and together started pickpocketing gangs. These small gangs would eventually grow in size as well as in operations. Pick pockets turned to robberies, and soon those escalated to heists.   Amir was always a fighter growing up, never backing down from a confrontation with anyone. Whenever his sister would get caught trying to cut someone's coin purse, he was more than happy to throw a fist or two in order to keep them silent. This escalated for Amir, as he became a competent fighter in underground bare knuckle fight as well as a brutal enforcer for him and his sister burgeoning gang.     It was not too long before they were the top priority for the imperial guard stationed in the town. After they had robbed a local officials manor, guards swarmed the town looking for them. They had to make a quick escape out of town, and immediately set out for the coast with the plan to find the first ship taking them out of Jarrenvale. Moving quickly enough to evade capture, they had to leave much of their fortune behind as they escaped out to the coast. Once there, they searched for earliest outbound ship, and stumbled upon a crew of pirates masquerading as a trade vessel. More than happy to trade one life of crime for another, the siblings joined up.   Amir took to the pirates life like a fish to the sea. He found himself a more than capable deckhand, and he could be relied upon always carry his weight and more. Still having a pension for battle, he would dive into combat with his sister blades drawn ay chance he could. As they sailed the northern shores of Edengard, Amir began to relax into his new life as a swashbuckling pirate.    This all abruptly ended one afternoon while they were chasing down a West Edengard Trade Company frigate, when suddenly their ship was dragged through the water towards Ivar Island. As much as they tried to fight against this strange current, they could not keep their ship from being heaved onto land, and rolling on it's side. Soon they come under attack from the islands inhabitants, and everyone fled into the woods to get off of the beach. Farrah and Amir were captured in this melee alongside numerous others in their crew. They were taken to the old fortress and kept imprisoned as one by one members of their crew were sacrificed.   After having meet up with the Away Team, and accompanying them down into the lair of Narak, Amir has discovered new powers. Upon entering into the seal alongside Farrah and Hastios, Amir felt a connection with the chained old one sealed below the Reach. Drawing upon this new found connection, Amir was able to access the Arcane weave for the first time and begin casting spells. As he and his sister have wandered around the town, he has discovered his ability to summon a psuedodragon

Amir is a battle tested fighter, with a new found ability to draw magic from the Kraken. Always ready to follow the lead of those he trusts, Amir confidentially backs up his sister in whatever they are doing.

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