Bakus Sarpedon Minos Rhadamanthus Character in The | World Anvil
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Bakus Sarpedon Minos Rhadamanthus

Bakus is currently on his way to siege the town of Prospice

King of Prospice & Captain of the Asterion

Bakus was born in the subterranean levels of Mithrim among the complicated maze of tunnels, alleyways, and underground passes that comprise the cities seedy underbelly. He was a natural at navigating in the dark and confusing environment that he grew up in. He was able to begin wandering alone throughout the undercity without getting lost, slowly pushing further and further out into the unknown tunnels that lie before him. These dangerous tunnels hardened a young Bakus, leaving him battle hardened at an early age. Itr was not long before Bakus fell into the hands of a cunning Anorian Inquisitor who knew just how he could use a young man of Bakus' talent.   This Anorian Inquisitor offered Bakus money, food, and shelter if he was willing to come work for him. Little did Bakus know, he agreed to sign away his life to this man. As soon as Bakus entered his service, he began to slowly corrupt him into the tool that he wanted Bakus. The Inquisitor would set Bakus up to be ambushed, and expect him to be able to fight his way out, but Bakus had no clue that this was going on at the time. Soon enough he became paranoid of everyone and was easy to provoke into violence. It was here that the Inquisitors plan came to final fruition. He wanted to control the streets of Mithrom at night, and would use Bakus as a swift killer who could move throughout the city like no one else.   This put Bakus in ever more danger, but he had felt he could not escape from the Anorian and feared what they would to do him if he was caught. Instead he chose to embrace who he had become and dutifully follow orders. This new found attitude slowly earned him the trust of his master, and that is when Bakus found his time to strike. While alone with his master, Bakus beat the man to a pulp, and ensured that he would remain dead through the use of his horns. He then took what he could from the Anorians residents, and then fled through the city and escaped on a ship heading for Edengaard.   Once he was able to escape all the way out to Wren he needed to start a new life, and he had decided that he would never again find himself inside of a city. The next obvious move to him was to find a crew that he could join and began a life at sea. While at first he found work as a simple deck hand, it was in the middle of being raided by a crew of pirates, that he asked one of them if he could come aboard and join them. A man of his stature was welcomed with open arms and his life as a scoundrel on the sea began. He joined Fortune's Path and it did not take long for all to see that the pirates life was the life for Bakus. He was willing to dive headlong into any fight, assured that at least he would leave the battle victorious.   Rather than worry himself with debates on tactical approaches his ships could take in order to capture areas, Bakus would lead his men on direct assaults' that often overwhelm and stun enemies before they have time to fully react. It was in these sorts of attacks that Bakus gained his reputation as a brave commander who was willing to lead his men into all their conquests from the front. It was this willingness to join his men in the most dangerous circumstances that lead to Bakus becoming the leader of Fortune's Path.   A moot was called when the leader of the Path had to step down, and a voted was needed to appoint a new captain to take charge of the federation. Many people offered themselves up to be considered but it was Bakus who ultimately won the vote, and was appointed leader of the Fortune's Path. Initially Bakus followed in the footsteps of many who had come before him, as he continued the raids that his fleet had been carrying out on the horn of Edengaard as well as all throughout the narrow sea. After a time Bakus sought to create a home befitting him and his fleet, and decided that if his legacy where to be complete as a legend in Fortune's Path, he must elevate their ancestral home of Prospice to new heights. Now Bakus had no interests in being the one who would actually go about manifesting this vision as he much preferred his life out at sea. Instead he appointed trusted advisors to manage this grand project, while he sailed throughout the Reach plundering the coasts in order to fund his ambitious plan.       He showered the town with heaps of gold, and people from all across the island flocked to the town. He was soon wildly popular among the people, and cries for him to be made ruler of Prospice rung out. Bakus gladly accepted his title of King of Prospice, but still this was something of an honorary title. Bakus rarely issues commands to the citizens of Prospice, and he ensures that his commands will be popular with his subjects.

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