Cesc Character in The | World Anvil
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Cesc is currently waiting to liberate supplies that will be crucial in the raid of the next day.


Cesc is a descendant of the Iron Hills tribes that made their great pilgrimage through O'Valir, and eventually made their home in Ku-Dova. During their journey, many of the Iron Hills people did not make it all the way to the Blood Peak Mountains but instead they were scattered all across the path that the tribes took. Cesc comes from one of these families, when long ago his family decided to make the Tamiri Isle their home. A native of the Island, Cesc spent his youth adventuring around the island and joining his father as a dock worker. Cesc worked more and more around the ships, and his desire for a life outside of the shores of his home island grew. One day he decided that he would offer his hand to the next crew that came to port as a deckhand, and he was welcomed aboard.       Cesc has joined up with a merchant vessel that sailed out from the Anorian Empire. He was captivated by the world outside of his little bubble, but the life of an Anoiran deckhand was hard and he had lost all of the freedom he had when growing up. He now worked under strict captains who used physical punishment as a means to keep their crew in line. Although Cesc was miserable, he did find himself suited for life at sea. He had a sharp mind, and was able to read and write in a handful of languages, which made him an excellent scribe for officers aboard trading ships.    From time to time their ship would be raided by pirates, and everytime the deckhands would flee below deck and go mostly unharmed by the attacks. It was not until a crew that had attacked his ship asked for anyone who wished to come aboard, that Cesc had even though of taking up a pirates life. The moment he was given the chance to get off the horrid Anorian ships, he took it. He climbed aboard the Asterion, only months after Bakus had become the captain of the ship. Cesc put himself to work as a deckhand again, but when it came time to raid Anorian ships he really proved his worth.    With his knowledge about the shipping practices of Anorian ships, Cesc was able to quickly search for precious cargo as well as flip through manifests to identify anything valuable that may be on board. Cesc grew to love his life as a pirate, and began familiarizing himself with all aspects of it. He took up a blunderbuss that would go on to become his signature weapon, and covered his body in a handful of tattoos to commemorate his pirate life. Cesc remained loyal to Bakus, and was rewarded with a promotion to quarter master of the Asterion. Since taking on the role, he has become vital in aiding Bakus with his plans. Cesc often finds himself having to scrounge up the resources to help Bakus' plans come to fruition.

Cesc is the loud and rambunctious quartermaster for the Asterion. He has a keen sense for the tools for the job, and he can always be found with his trusty Blunderbuss at his side.

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