Chauncy Character in The | World Anvil
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Chauncy is currently recovering in Dura's warehouse.
Chauncy was born into a the family of enchanters in Black Hollow, in the heart of the Kobold Village. From a young age he was trained in his families craft of arcane masonry. They were charged with building many of the ruins that kept Black Hollow safe, such as those they supported the structures of the domes and tunnels, as well as ones that block of passageways from aberrations Chauncy took to his family's' trade well. By the time he was a young man, he was a capable apprentice to his father.    In his youth he followed in his father's footsteps, but as he grew to be his own man Chauncy desired to set out to leave his own mark on Black Hollow. While his father continued to fill the outer lying areas traps and seal of small passages, Chauncy felt as if he could aide in making the people of Black Hollow stronger themselves. The seers of Black Hollow, as well as some of the Dragon Scales tap into ancestral magic that pervades their ancient village. He created ruins that channeled the magic of Black Hollow emminiating from the statues in the village center. Once completed, seers and scales alike noticed that their powered had been altered. When fighting together, or close to the center of the village they felt stronger, but as they got further away they noticed nothing.    Hoping to create a web of power in which his friends could latch onto, Chauncy began building conduits of power spreading out from the center of town. He requested that Zekk protecting him as he began to push further and further out to build them. Chauncy and Zekk built as large array of these conduits throughout the caves surrounding Black Hollow. They finished after one journey, in which neither of them will speak about but marked as their last day setting out to place more conduits.    It was after this time that Chauncy grew restless in town, feeling trapped inside the small area in which he felt it safe to roam alone. He looked upward and found himself fascinated with the idea of what he could accomplish above ground. He knew he was a gifted arcane engineer now, and he wanted to find someone who could help him become world renown. Chauncy reached out to an old friend in Viss asking if he knew anyone, and he recommended he speak with Bakus.    At first Bakus had Chauncy fashioning him simple ruins for his ships to have on them that would help make the ships more inhabitable. Arcane plumbing, magical cooling and heating, as well as means to store fresh food on board ships were all light work for Chauncy. He had discovered that he was quite adept at making up items on the go. While this was entertaining for a time, he came to Bakus and explained that he had plans much greater for his life. That if Bakus would simply give him the means, Chauncy could make him a ruler of a great town.    This is where Chauncy birthed the idea of the Broken Seal Powered Steam works. He rarely talks about how the contraption works, but it is powered by a broken Kraken seal that is far below Prospice. He is the only person who currently knows how to operate the seal, but he made it in conjunction with Bakus as a means to provide power to factories that Bakus will build in Prospice. Since that day Chauncy has remained in charge of running this machine, as well as determined the output of power for all of the factories in the town.

Chauncy is a creative inventor, and prideful engineer. He has run the Steam Works in Prospice since their creation, and takes much of the credit for the towns growth.

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