Draksis Onavath Character in The | World Anvil
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Draksis Onavath

Draksis is currently scouting out where and how he will set up his cannons for the invasion.
Draksis Onavath was the artillery commander for The Crest Queen, a well respected ship in Fortune's Path. He grew up in Alti Mare, and was born into a family of Maidens who were protectors of the outer wall of the city. This meant his family had a home out on the outer wall, and Draksis spent much of his time with his siblings make small ventures out beyond the wall. As he aged, he grew tired of the restraints of Alti Mare, and wanted the freedom to explore more than just a little town.    He and a number of his siblings left once they were old enough, and set out for Barbarossa with a plan to join a pirate crew and travel the open ocean. Draksis Marian training came in handy as he proved himself proficient in all manor of weapons. He excelled when given the chance to line up behind a cannon, and soon became an ace as firing all sorts of artillery. Not only could he line up a cannon himself, but he could call out to his crewmates to aid them in firing.    Draksis was promoted to be the artillery commander of his ship decades ago, and has served in that position well. His ship became renowned for waiting to fire a broadside battery until they were right atop the crest of a wave in order to fire down into ships. Sadly his ship was in port when the town was attacked, and his crew was scattered about town. Many of his crewmates were killed, and more were captured. He believes that even his captain was killed as their has been no reports of him being seen or heard from.

Draksis is a seasoned artillery commander, and a confident pirate. He loves the thrill of a good battle, especially because he knows he will always come out on top.

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