Folomon Farthanna Character in The | World Anvil
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Folomon Farthanna

Folomon Farthanna is in command of the Anorian Imperial forces inside of Prospice

Naval Commander

Beginning his career in the maritime service protecting merchants vessels traveling between the Vastran Kingdom and the Anorian Empire, Folomon Farthanna was eventually assigned to the command of a coastal patrol ship in the northern waters of Edengaard. He made a name for himself defending the waters of Sparia from consistent attacks from pirate outfits, attempting to crack the crown jewel of the empires colonial endeavors in Old Salt.      Since those days he has only further gained accolades, and is a ranking member on the advisory board to Admiral Sarasin Grageros. He has been placed in command of the Anorian Naval Peacekeeping Brigade. He has had much success in removing "hostile natives" from areas around Edengaard when new colonies have fallen under threat.

Folomon Farthanna is a commander in the Imperial Navy, serving in Old Salt for the entirety of his senior officership. Suited to the open seas, he has made a name for himself as an excellent naval strategist.

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