Grung Skullblade Character in The | World Anvil
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Grung Skullblade

Grung is currently in prison at Fort Meteora, being held captive by the Anorian Empire.
Grung comes from the northern rivers of the Expanse, where he was raised in a roving band of Vikinger raiders. From an early age he had an axe in his hand, and the blood of his enemies on the metal of his blade. For much of his youth he raided alongside his brothers and sisters, scraping by a meager existence on the could northern coats of Wren. It was not until his clan came into contact with a crew of pirates from Old Salt, did they realize there was a better life out there for them.    Him and his clan mates sailed past the shores they called home, and down into the warm waters of Old Salt. They found themselves well suited for the calm waters, and their longships made them excellent at sailing up the island rivers all across the center channels. They plunged themselves head first into the world of piracy, until eventually they made their way into the Fortune's Path. Although they did not have all of their clan mates that they arrived with, those who were left were welcome aboard the crews that they joined.    Grung made a name for himself as a sort of best of the rest. He did not have any sort of supernatural power, but his bravery earned him great respect from his fellow ordinary crew mates. He will always lead a charge when it comes time for him and his friends to leap into battle. He will never be expected to plan an attack, but Grung is first in line to carry out the plan.

Grung is what many foreigners imagine when they think of pirates. He enjoys drinking and fighting, but he is dedicated to the pirate cause.

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