Ku-Dova Conclave Organization in The | World Anvil
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Ku-Dova Conclave

The Ku-Dova Conclave is made up of the five original tribes who made their journey all the way from the Colossus Mountains on the southern side of O'Valir. To this day rule over the city has remained under the conclave. It consists of several representatives from each tribe, and each tribe is focused on an their own individual duty in order to run the city. The enitre conclave has a tight grip on the city, and are seen as strong and stable leaders.


The Conclave consists of the five original tribes, and has delegated a major role of the city to each of the tribes to carry out. Together they make decisions on laws to put in place, the core tenements of dwarven education, as well as their dealings with the outside world.   When the conclave meets, there are three representatives that are sent from each tribe. They meet once every year, as well as any time one clan believes a meeting must be called. These meetings are held within a building named after the conclave, and are known for their amicable nature. The tribes want Ku-Dova to run as close as it can to a true dwarven paradise.   The Tribes   Gralgrom - The Bright Beards - Educators   The Bright Beards have been given the responsibility to train and educated the next generation of Dwarven leaders from all of the five tribes. Teaching them all the things they may need to one day lead their city state, and protect it from those who would wish to corrupt it. Their ability to influence the other four tribes through the way that they educate means that a close eye is kept on them, but they are well liked by the other tribes because of their dedication to their craft.   Kragmar - Forge Keepers - Smiths, Miners, and Carvers   The ancient crafts of forging, mining, and carving a sacred to the dwarves in Ku-Dova. The Forge Keepers have spent the last centerpieces perfecting this craft to the point that they have elevated the smiths of Ku-Dova to an almost mythic status. Though tribe Gralgrom oversee's the education of the dwarves within The Citadel, Krammarens have created vast halls for dwarves, and other select people from all over The Reach, to come to and learn the sacred crafts and become experts in them.   Duldal - Iron Helms - Judiciary   The Iron Helms carry out justice within Ku-Dova. Placed over the courts, as well as the Shield Bearers, they have been placed in charge of executing the will of the Ku-Dova Conclave's laws. They do this through a rigorous court system, as well as highly trained peace keepers called Shield Bearer's. This tribe has ebbed and flowed in how they carry out the laws, and from generation to generation they decide how strict they will enforce the law.   Bhaldur - Silver Hammers - Fine Mineral Reserves and Artisan Crafts   Ku-Dova has massive stocks of almost every imaginable precious metal and gem that could be taken from the earth. The Silver Hammers have been placed in charge of this reserve as well as the minting of money within Ku-Dova. They are also expert jewelers and lead the education of new pupils in most of the finer crafts that dwarves are most renowned for. This responsibility has also seen the Bhaldur become the wealthiest of the five tribes, which has made them the ire of the other five tribes.   Katmura - Stone Spirits - Spiritual Leaders   Unlike their dwarven counterparts in the Grand Republic of Durham, the dwarves who reside within Ku-Dova are still devoted to the dwarven pantheon called the Morndinsamman. The Stone Spirits elevate certain members of their tribe to positions in which they can commune with their deities, and these dwarves are trusted to keep in contact with their gods and goddesses to ensure that Ku-Dova satys within the good graces of those they worship.

Public Agenda

They seek the benefit of Ku-Dova in everything that they do. The choices that they make are to ensure the peace and preservation of their holy city at all costs.


After the Anorian Invasion of the Iron Hills, the tribes split apart from one another. Some of the former tribes of the Iron Hills decided that they would travel to Durham and join in league with their dwarven allies who offered them refuge from the Anorian Empire. A large group of dwarves did not see their future on O'Valir, but instead decided to travel all the way to the Blood Peak Mountain to search out their prophesied holy city hidden underneath the mountains. Those five tribes were the ones who make up the Conclave today, and they forged their holy city themselves, creating one of the most prosperous cities in all of The Reach.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, City council
Controlled Territories

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