Parlay Document in The | World Anvil
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Parlay is the term used to describe the loose set of laws established by a large alliance of disparate pirate crews located in the region of Old Salt. The simple rules lay out guiding principles in which pirate crews will agree to follow to join in this loose alliance of pirates. A majority of crews that have agreed to Parlay are located in Old Salt, but others who have joined in on the agreement can be found all across the Reach.

Historical Details


For thousands of years the region of Old Salt remained under almost constant turmoil as a hotbed of pirate activity. As these crews sought to raid all across the Reach, they often found themselves in conflict with one another. This conflict was most centralized amongst the crews who occupied Old Salt. They warred with each other as often as they fought against the Anorian Empire, and this left them weak against focused attack by the Imperial Navy.    After being invaded and conquered by the Anorian Empire, the inhabitants of Old Salt were ruled by an iron fist. This is what lead to the establishment of Parlay. In these desperate times there was need for radical change in how these pirate crews would interact. The joined in agreement to Parlay, and began fighting back against the Anorian Empire. They eventually forced the Anorian to abandon their efforts in Old Salt.
Treaty, Diplomatic

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