Rush Character in The | World Anvil
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Rush is currently clearing the control center for the Arcane Steam Works, and is planning on returning to the warehouse to begin planning for the day of the invasion.

Head Prefect

Rush was born into a family of pirates, and felt destined to follow in their footsteps from his very earliest days. Both of his parents were Air Genasi, but it is joked that his mother spent to much time near the hearth when she was pregnant because Rush come out full of hot air. It is never known where these sorts of Genasi abnormalities occur, but they are common enough that people will often create wives tales around them. It was this fiery spirit that launched Rush into his life on the sea's. He joined up with his father at a young age to join the ship he was on in the Fortune's Path.    Much like his fellow Air Genasi, he was dexterous and precise. After proving himself time after time in combat, Bakus requested that Rush be moved aboard the Asterion to serve among his crew. Rush and his entire family were elated with such a promotion, and he did not disappoint once aboard the crew. His natural propensity to accelerate into fights made him a perfect compatriot for Bakus, but overtime his flare has been tempered by experience. Rush now serves as the head of Bakus' "Praetorian Guard", which is mockingly named after the guard of the Emperor of Anor.

Rush is a daring swashbuckler who throws himself into whatever battle Bakus gets him into. His inner fire helps him excelle in the heat of the moment.

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