Syder's Web Character in The | World Anvil
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Syder's Web

Syder is an information broker, and is a member of the Collectors. He does not run his ship like a normal pirate crew would run but instead he runs a luxury party flotilla that sails around the northern shores of Edengaard. He takes wealthy colonists from the shore and sails them out to the ocean and then they spill all of their deepest darkest secrets to him, with a little of his own forms of persuasion. He has a sweet spot for pirates, always wanting to hear about their daring lives over the dull drab of the rich Anorians he has to listen to repeat the same boring stories again and again.

Syder is a hedonist at heart, and he runs his ship as such. A flotilla of debauchery and gossip, he loves to be in the know about anything that is happening in Old Salt.

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