Timurack Ogdon Character in The | World Anvil
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Timurack Ogdon

Timurack is currently on board of the Dormant Storm, and will be ensuring that the ship is well supplied for your next voyage.


Timurak Ogdon was born into a seafaring family of Dragonborn, on the east coast of the island of Draconia. His family were simple traders who would make the journey across the channel and buy Anorian goods. During his early childhood, many traders from Wren fell victim to Anorian buccaneers who were given permission by the Empire to raid the waters west of Anor. This left families like Ogdon's at the mercy of greedy sailors who sought wealth and power across the unprotected waters of the center channel. In response, Timurack and his siblings trained together to protect their families ship from any ship that may seek to still their goods.    Having success in protecting their family ship from any attackers, Timurack desired to strike out at these buccaneers where they lived and get revenge for all of the innocent lives that they had destroyed. Leading all of his family as well as a large number of fellow Draconians to attack the Anorian raiders in the base off the coast of Edengaard. Though they lost many friends, Timurack was ultimately successful in putting a stop to those Anorian buccaneers. For his trouble, a large bounty was placed on his head by the Anorian Empire. With this new bounty on his head, he refused to return home and in danger all the people who lived in his village. Instead he sailed for Barbarossa, planning on using his recent victory in the empire to rally more people to his crew.    Arriving in Barbarossa, he found that he had a natural talent to convince people to join his crew with promises of great treasure and reward. Timurack had planned on recruiting only the best crew he could find, and he was initially successful. For many years he raided the northern shores of Edengaard, just out of reach of imperial powers. As colonist slowly moved to this region over time, it made piracy a much more risky business to take part in. It would require that Timurack come up with a new plan on how to handle the emerging threat of colonialism in Edengaard.    During the beginning of his career, Timurack made a name for himself as a bold captain who used his crew to their best abilities and rewarding them handsomely for their success. Once he decided to change up his tactics as a captain, he was able to call upon numerous connections to put it into plan. He was looking to assemble a small group of pirates who would serve as his away team that could take on much greater dangers that the average pirate. This team would be able to take down entire ships by themselves, or delve into ancient caves filled with untold buried treasures.   Since changing to this sort of crew, Timurack and his crews reputation has only increased. The Dormant Storm has been a flagship of his fleet and has gained a reputation as a mighty vessel filled with cunning pirates. As he has settled into old age, the captain has found himself relying on his away team more than he ever has.

Timurack Ogdon is a levelheaded captain, who leads the Dormant Storm as a strategic leader. He is very generous with his crew, and seeks little reward for himself. Although he has a passion for discovering long lost information found all throughout Old Salt, his burning hatred for the Anorian Empire trumps many of his other feelings.

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