Viss Character in The | World Anvil
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Viss is currently attempting to use his divination magic to scout out the prison before him and the party attempt to infiltrate tonight.

Diviner of Fortune

Viss Pelgar was born in the Kobold village of Black Hollow years before it had to be completely abandoned by its inhabitants. When Viss was young, he was being educated to become a diviner. The locals of Black Hollow have a long practice of being fortune teller's. When he began his training, Viss instantly began to receive nightmares of his home being destroyed, but they were always to chaotic for him to decipher what was going on. Troubled by these visions, he decided to leave Black Hollow and would only return once he felt strong enough to control his visions.     When he left Black Hollow, he decided it would be easiest to join one of the numerous crews of pirates that found safe harbor in Prospice. This is where he meet with Bakus, and was convinced to join his crew as Bakus was always looking for a sort of good luck charm among his crew. Once aboard Bakus' crew Viss began to offer his abilities out to his fellow crewmates to encourage their wonderment and relieve their anxiety. He could tell them anything from their chances on the next hand of poker, to their likelihood of survival through a rough storm. As he practiced at his divination, Viss began to grow more powerful beyond the abilities of a simple seer.         Viss had been trained to see through the fate of the stars as a means to divine the future. In his home in Black Hollow, this always meant reaching out into the ether to draw on this power, which was made difficult by the lack of access to the stars. Out on the open ocean, Viss became a conduit for this cosmic energy. He could now pull on this cosmic energy to protect his allies, and summon forth spectral forms of masked warriors of fate to fight by his side.    Viss spent years out on the ocean fighting alongside Bakus, and honing his craft of divine war casting. It was only at this point that he felt confident he could confront the visions he was plagued by when he came home to Black Hollow. It was in his old home that an event transpired in which only his most trusted allies are aware of. After that day he stayed in Black Hollow, returning as a seer for the people at the time. He was adored by his people in this role, but their home would be taken away form them eventually. It was Viss alongside a handful of other diviners that could sense the magical corruption beginning to infest their home. Soon they take their people above ground, and with the help of Bakus, they all resettled in the town of Prospice.    After this mass exodus transpired, Viss worked alongside both Chauncey and Zekk to seal off their old home to prevent the corruption from spreading out. The three of them felt as if they had no job to look after their people, as they were now all scattered throughout the town. Instead Viss decided to rejoin Bakus as his ships chaplain, and reclaim his duties as the diviner for the King of Prospice.

Viss is the diviner for the Fortune's Path, and is a trusted advisor to Bakus. He has been steadfast and loyal to both his people and his crew mates which has earned him respect among mnay of the pirates of Old Salt.

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