Zekk Character in The | World Anvil
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Zekk is preparing to invade Prosipice alongside Bakus and the rest of Fortune's Path.

Head of the Dragon Scales

Zekk is a slender Kobold who hails from the old village of Black Hollow under Propsice. He was born into a family of insignificance inside of the village but that would not remain his destiny. He joined the village guard, who trained to defend their people from all sorts of threats that lie in the areas around Black Hollow. Zekk was a competent fighter, and an excellent scout. He had a zeal for protecting his people, and his skill and determination were recognized when he chosen by the seers to begin specialized training to become a Dragon Scale. He would join the elite guard of Black Hollow and protalling deep out into the cave systems to hunt down threats that lurk out of their sight in order to build up power.    Zekk was suited to life on the run out far from Black Hollow. He snuck through the vast cave systems with ease, and was always alert of the threats that were around him. He was prone to leading out in front of his compatriots to scout, and by the time they would meet back up with him he had crafted a small battle plan for what they needed to do. With Zekk out on patrol, Black Hollow became a safer place.    One day on one of his patrols Zekk and his fellow Dragon Scales came across a small band of pirates who had gotten lost in an above ground cave and wondered far below. They offered the Kobolds gold and alcohol if they could help them get back to the surface, so they kindly obliged the lost pirates. As they began to lead them up, they were attacked by a number of Bulettes who had been tracking both groups. The Dragon Scales' lept into action, and the pirates did as well. Combined they were able to battle them back, but not before losing a few people. It was here that Zekk first fought alongside men with firearms, and he saw their potential.    Zekk returned to Black Hollow and sought out Chauncy, and Arcane crafter in the village to aid him in something. His plan was not to make a firearms that used gunpowder, but instead have his friend enchant shells with cantrips, that he could use an elongated conduit to accurately aim at people like the rifles. This new weapons Zekk had fashioned for himself allowed him to begin to attack his foes down in the caves from much further away, protecting his companions from the need to engage with enemies directly. Zekk felt assured that his village was now even safer, but it would not be long before an arcane sickness began to sweep through the caves around Black Hollow.    Zekk began to notice the increase in activity, followed by abnormal behaviors in those he fought with. Some of the nomadic Kobolds began to attack them while they were out on patrol, but Zekk was not able to determine why before Viss and the other seers decided the village needed to be abandoned as the sickness was growing closer. Zekk and the other Dragon Scales defended the village center while Viss, Chauncy, and the other seers worked to magical seal of the sickness from spreading outside of the caves.       With their ancestral home gone, the guardians of Black Hollow had no more village to protect. As they settled above ground, many of them found themselves in the service of pirates. Zekk and the Dragon Scales had both Viss and Chauncy able to vouch for their ability, and so Bakus requested that they join him on the Asterion. Since then they have mide fine pirates, nimble on the rigging and deadly in fights.

Zekk is the head of the Dragon Scales, and Bakus' strategist while out in the field. He is known for his reserved nature when not on the battlefield, but his aggressive and decisive attitude in the heat of a fight.

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