Epochs of Beings in the Katheryn story | World Anvil

Epochs of Beings

"It has been ages since this universe was crafted and created from the ashes of what once was. Like universes tend to do, it has spawned life. A lot of life. Variety and quantity of the like we never had in the before times. From the destruction of what was ours, creation was born - in a very painful and terrible way, what they did was vastly successful and fantastically awful."
— From the Records of the Remnant

The Remnant

  We are as we have always been. We remain, though we do not belong here as the others do. We have found our place in this new order, and we have discovered that what we are gives us a unique relationship with what has been made in the place of where we once were.   We are the The Remnant. There is not much else to tell you.  

THe Elder Races

  The first beings who woke to sapience are the Elder Races.   These races were born when this new universe was still in chaos. Still becoming stable and still being created. While they arose naturally, they arose quickly, the flux of the cosmos pushing them into higher and higher states of evolution faster than they could handle. Culture was not developing as fast as their minds.   To bring them into the new universe and not have these first sparks of life be smothered by the force and power of the evolving reality, they required intervention. We, of course, petitioned the Servants to intercede, but they could - or would - not.   But they could not stop us from interceding. We did, but not as they would have had us intercede. At first, we tried to do as little as possible. We helped them learn to deal with the universe, but as time went on, we realized our mistake.


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