8th Tis'Envar Celebration Day

The Event (6212 AE)

When the 8th celebration day finally came round, Royce Adve had the hopes of many high, it was the talk of the land and said to be the largest one yet. As per usual the event included a jousting tournament, ball, feast and the new addition of a melee tournament.   The jousting included eight competitors, Vickon Carson, Joea Marnei, Mason Adve IV, Stallion Worgus, De'Jaharies Reed, Donte Redpool, Rion Gaulden and Bastion Hildergrass. The two time consecutive winner Vickon was dehorsed early by Worgus, others fell and the final commenced between Gaulden and Worgus. Stallion Worgus dehorsed Gaulden and claimed the honour of winning the tournament.   Shortly after the jousting concluded, the feast began. Many lords and ladies took seats next to their partners and love interests. Martha Titus and Donte Redpool were a newly wedded couple and could be seen enjoying their time together. Tyson Adve was seen seated at a table losing large amounts of gold to a mysterious man going by the name of Ringo.
The ball was a standard affair, the couples danced as expected, Dorian Marnei danced with all his daughters to show them off to other noble lords. Jorgia Redpool danced with her soon to be betrothed lover Joea Marnei.   Last was the new melee event, four competitors took to the make shift arena, Tobey Renisance, Yettle Cowwit, Chase Redpool and Zacharias Gaulden. Ser Tobey quickly forced Chase to yield and Cowwit was vanquished by Zacharias. This left the final between Ser Tobey and Lord Gaulden, the large knight chased the much smaller lord around the arena, constantly taking stabs to his pelvis area where there was a split in his armour. At last Ser Tobey managed to hit Gaulden with his great hammer across the helm, knocking him unconscious and winning the tournament. Zacharias never woke again, he was quickly taken to the advisor chamber and tended to, but died hours later. The situation was kept quiet by Lord Royce Adve and to this day many lords are unaware of Gaulden's true demise.


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