
Transmission & Vectors

This illness comes from the berry of the The Forest lands. It can be obtained when eating a fruit infected with the bacteria or when eating an animal that recently ate that berry and has not been cooked properly.


This illness can be treated before the patient starts showing symptoms of the bacteria entering the brain, aka a few hours after the scarring in the eyes. At the first stage, the stomachache and diarrhoea, it can be treated doing a stomach cleanse with the help of a mixture done with various plants. When in the headache and fever part, it cannot be treated as the bacteria is traveling around the infected body and nothing know can kill all of it. The only method know today to cure it when the bacteria is in the eyes, is by taking off the infected's eyes.


A couple of hours after ingestion of the berry with the bacteria (or poorly cooked food or drink), the infected start feeling a stomachache and afterwards diarrhoea. Both symptoms persist for a couple of days before disappearing and having the next symptom appear almost immediatly, the headache followed of a fever. This symptom means that the bacteria is leaving the stomach and slowly approaching the head of the infected. Both, the headache and the fever persist for three or four days. While the fever pass after these days, the headache does not disappear even though it is reduced. Eyes will slowly change the natural colour to a dark red colour, this process may take from two to seven days. This is the last symptom before the illness is fatal and incurable, because after the eyes colour change, scars will start appearing around the eyes, meaning the bacteria is slowly eating the flesh of the infected and with the flesh, the brain.


If the illness is not treated, the infected will die because the bacteria are eating their brain. If the illness is treated before: Stomachache and diarrhoea: no consequences. Eyes changing colour: the eyes will never go back to its natural colour. Eyes changing colour and scars (it is usually never cured at this step, before it reaches the brain, but some cases have been seen): both the new eyes' colour and the scars will stay.
Affected Species


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