Casa del Rey

Private Residence of Atra Hasis

Purpose / Function

Casa Del Rey is designed for Atra Hasis's exclusive use, serving as a sanctuary where he can retreat from unwanted interruptions. The residence stands as a monument to luxury, embodying a space that Atra deems suitable only for himself and those he selects.


After her reincarnation, Director of Justice Dron Vermillion resolved to bring back Atra Hasis. To prepare for his return, she initiated the construction of Casa del Rey, envisioning a grand private residence for the Sword of the Four Continents.   Dron spared no effort in selecting the finest construction specialists, offering them lifetime contracts. Leveraging her ancient knowledge and current technological advancements, the residence was crafted to perfection. Magical enhancements were delicately woven into its design, elevating the abode to a level befitting only Atra Hasis.
Founding Date
Additional Rulers/Owners


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