Dominion Superiority

Dominion Superiority was a powerful female warrior angel known for her unmatched strength and fierce loyalty to the heavenly cause. She stood tall at nearly seven feet in height, with short black hair that flowed like a river of darkness. Her wings were massive, spanning over twenty feet in width, and were capable of propelling her through the air at lightning speeds.   As a member of the Heavenly Host, Dominion Superiority was tasked with defending the gates of heaven and battling against the forces of evil. She was a skilled warrior, wielding a sword of fire that burned with the intensity of the sun and a shield that could deflect even the most powerful of demonic attacks.   One of Dominion Superiority's most legendary feats was her defeat of the demon lord Abaddon, who had threatened to overthrow heaven itself. In a fierce battle that lasted for days, Dominion Superiority fought with all her might, finally defeating the demon and banishing him back to the pits of hell. This victory solidified her reputation as one of the greatest warrior angels of all time.
Divine Classification
Light, Orange
Short, Black


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