Eminence Evangelical

Eminence Evangelical is imagined by worshipers of the Prophecy of the Incomplete Round Table as a majestic and beautiful female elven angel, revered and loved by all in the celestial realm. An angel who is the epiphany of kindness and compassion as well as having advanced wisdom and insight.   As the deity of prophecy and divination, Eminence is admired for her ability to see into the future and interpret the signs and omens that guide the lives of her followers. She is often consulted by those seeking guidance on important decisions, and her words are considered to be the ultimate authority on matters of faith and morality. Eminence Evangelical is also seen as a protector and guardian, watching over her followers and guiding them through difficult times. She is often depicted to have wings of pure white with golden tips and her long, white hair flowing behind her as she soars through the celestial plane. Accompanied with her bow "Exacting Radiance," it is well believed she will shoot her arrows of pure gold at any evil entities attempting to attach themselves to her most faithful followers.
Divine Classification


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